Most of the times, when everything else fails we turn to setting ASM_DISKSTRING as '/dev/oracleasm/disks/*' and it is almost always guaranteed to work. But this way we know that the ASM Library is not used at all and disk discovery happens outside the Library. Not a good thing. This can be confirmed using kfod (kfod asm_diskstring=ORCL:* disks=all) . So, what should you tinker with then to use the ASM Lib rather than the SYSTEM library, as shown by the LIBRARY field of v$asm_disk? When doing a migration, you may also get a HEADER_STATUS=UNKNOWN and the errors ORA-15032, ORA-15063 and ORA-15186.
Well, if you are using multipathing s/w, you got to let the disk discovery use just the pseudo-devices and not any of the many single devices (thru' many I/O paths) that form a single pseudo device. If you are using EMC with PowerPath, set it to emcpower. If you are using NetApp with DeviceMapper, set it to dm.
> su -
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]# inq
Inquiry utility, Version V7.3-872 (Rev 0.0) (SIL Version V6.5.0.0 (Edit Level 872)
Copyright (C) by EMC Corporation, all rights reserved.
For help type inq -h.
/dev/sda :DELL :PERC 6/i :1.21 : : 142737408
/dev/sdb :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ/ : 15728640
/dev/sdc :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ/ : 20971520
/dev/sdd :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/sde :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/sdf :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/sdg :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/sdh :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/sdi :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/sdj :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/sdk :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJRN : 2097152
/dev/sdl :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ/ : 15728640
/dev/sdm :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ/ : 20971520
/dev/sdn :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/sdo :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/sdp :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/sdq :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/sdr :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/sds :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/sdt :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/sdu :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJRN : 2097152
/dev/sdv :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ/ : 15728640
/dev/sdw :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ/ : 20971520
/dev/sdx :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/sdy :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/sdz :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/dm-0 :DELL :PERC 6/i :1.21 : : 142737408
/dev/dm-1 :DELL :PERC 6/i :1.21 : : 142737408
/dev/dm-2 :DELL :PERC 6/i :1.21 : : 142737408
/dev/dm-3 :DELL :PERC 6/i :1.21 : : 142737408
/dev/dm-4 :DELL :PERC 6/i :1.21 : : 142737408
/dev/dm-5 :DELL :PERC 6/i :1.21 : : 142737408
/dev/dm-6 :DELL :PERC 6/i :1.21 : : 142737408
/dev/dm-7 :DELL :PERC 6/i :1.21 : : 142737408
/dev/dm-8 :DELL :PERC 6/i :1.21 : : 142737408
/dev/dm-9 :DELL :PERC 6/i :1.21 : : 142737408
/dev/sdaa :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/sdab :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/sdac :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/sdad :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/sdae :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJRN : 2097152
/dev/sdaf :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ/ : 15728640
/dev/sdag :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ/ : 20971520
/dev/sdah :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/sdai :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/sdaj :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/sdak :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/sdal :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/sdam :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/sdan :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/sdao :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJRN : 2097152
/dev/sdap :DGC :RAID 5 :0226 :65000091 : 20971520
/dev/sdaq :DGC :RAID 5 :0226 :69000093 : 157286400
/dev/sdar :DGC :RAID 5 :0226 :68000083 : 10485760
/dev/sdas :DGC :RAID 5 :0226 :65000091 : 20971520
/dev/sdat :DGC :RAID 5 :0226 :69000093 : 157286400
/dev/sdau :DGC :RAID 5 :0226 :68000083 : 10485760
/dev/sdav :DGC :RAID 5 :0226 :65000091 : 20971520
/dev/sdaw :DGC :RAID 5 :0226 :69000093 : 157286400
/dev/sdax :DGC :RAID 5 :0226 :68000083 : 10485760
/dev/sday :DGC :RAID 5 :0226 :65000091 : 20971520
/dev/sdaz :DGC :RAID 5 :0226 :69000093 : 157286400
/dev/sdba :DGC :RAID 5 :0226 :68000083 : 10485760
/dev/dm-10 :DELL :PERC 6/i :1.21 : : 142737408
/dev/dm-11 :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/dm-12 :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ/ : 15728640
/dev/dm-13 :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/dm-14 :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/dm-15 :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/dm-16 :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/dm-17 :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJRN : 2097152
/dev/dm-18 :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ/ : 20971520
/dev/dm-19 :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/dm-20 :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/dm-21 :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ/ : 20971520
/dev/dm-22 :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/dm-23 :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/dm-24 :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/dm-25 :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJRN : 2097152
/dev/dm-27 :NETAPP :LUN :7310 :HnanPJQ0 : 5242880
/dev/emcpowera :DGC :RAID 5 :0226 :65000091 : 20971520
/dev/emcpowerb :DGC :RAID 5 :0226 :69000093 : 157286400
/dev/emcpowerc :DGC :RAID 5 :0226 :68000083 : 10485760
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]#
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]#
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]#
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]#
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]#
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]#
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm listdisks
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm querydisks ASMDISK01 ASMDISK02
Usage: /etc/init.d/oracleasm {start|stop|restart|enable|disable|configure|createdisk|deletedisk|querydisk|listdisks|scandisks|status}
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm querydisk ASMDISK01 ASMDISK02
Disk "ASMDISK01" is a valid ASM disk on device [66, 145]
Disk "ASMDISK02" is a valid ASM disk on device [66, 161]
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]# cat /proc/partitions | egrep '145|161'
8 161 2095662 sdk1
65 145 5238597 sdz1
65 161 5238597 sdaa1
66 145 20971504 sdap1 <====== This is totally wrong. The ASM disk should not be individual
66 161 157284351 sdaq1 <====== disks. It should on the multipathed device
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]# cat /proc/partitions | egrep -i emc
120 32 10485760 emcpowerc
120 33 3001328 emcpowerc1
120 34 3001344 emcpowerc2
120 35 4483072 emcpowerc3
120 16 157286400 emcpowerb
120 17 157284351 emcpowerb1 <===== ASMDISK02 SHOULD IDEALLY BE ON THIS
120 0 20971520 emcpowera
120 1 20971504 emcpowera1 <===== ASMDISK01 SHOULD IDEALLY BE ON THIS
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]# cp /etc/sysconfig/oracleasm /etc/sysconfig/oracleasm.bk_jc_08_24
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]# cat /etc/sysconfig/oracleasm
# This is a configuration file for automatic loading of the Oracle
# Automatic Storage Management library kernel driver. It is generated
# By running /etc/init.d/oracleasm configure. Please use that method
# to modify this file
# ORACLEASM_ENABELED: 'true' means to load the driver on boot.
# ORACLEASM_UID: Default user owning the /dev/oracleasm mount point.
# ORACLEASM_GID: Default group owning the /dev/oracleasm mount point.
# ORACLEASM_SCANBOOT: 'true' means fix disk perms on boot
# ORACLEASM_CLEARBOOT: 'true' means clean old disk perms on boot
# ORACLEASM_SCANORDER: Matching patterns to order disk scanning
# ORACLEASM_SCANEXCLUDE: Matching patterns to exclude disks from scan
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]# vi /etc/sysconfig/oracleasm
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]# cat /etc/sysconfig/oracleasm
# This is a configuration file for automatic loading of the Oracle
# Automatic Storage Management library kernel driver. It is generated
# By running /etc/init.d/oracleasm configure. Please use that method
# to modify this file
# ORACLEASM_ENABELED: 'true' means to load the driver on boot.
# ORACLEASM_UID: Default user owning the /dev/oracleasm mount point.
# ORACLEASM_GID: Default group owning the /dev/oracleasm mount point.
# ORACLEASM_SCANBOOT: 'true' means fix disk perms on boot
# ORACLEASM_CLEARBOOT: 'true' means clean old disk perms on boot
# ORACLEASM_SCANORDER: Matching patterns to order disk scanning
# ORACLEASM_SCANEXCLUDE: Matching patterns to exclude disks from scan
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm restart
Unmounting ASMlib driver filesystem: [ OK ]
Unloading module "oracleasm": [ OK ]
Loading module "oracleasm": [ OK ]
Mounting ASMlib driver filesystem: [ OK ]
Scanning system for ASM disks: [ OK ]
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]#
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]#
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm querydisk ASMDISK01 ASMDISK02
Disk "ASMDISK01" is a valid ASM disk on device [66, 145] <===== STILL WRONG
Disk "ASMDISK02" is a valid ASM disk on device [66, 161]
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]# vi /etc/sysconfig/oracleasm
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm restart
Unmounting ASMlib driver filesystem: [ OK ]
Unloading module "oracleasm": [ OK ]
Loading module "oracleasm": [ OK ]
Mounting ASMlib driver filesystem: [ OK ]
Scanning system for ASM disks: [ OK ]
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm querydisk ASMDISK01 ASMDISK02
Disk "ASMDISK01" is a valid ASM disk on device [120, 1]
Disk "ASMDISK02" is a valid ASM disk on device [120, 17]
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]#
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]#
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]#
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]# ############### THATABOY
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]#
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]#
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]#
[root@tlxkrdbrr1 ~]# cat /etc/sysconfig/oracleasm
# This is a configuration file for automatic loading of the Oracle
# Automatic Storage Management library kernel driver. It is generated
# By running /etc/init.d/oracleasm configure. Please use that method
# to modify this file
# ORACLEASM_ENABELED: 'true' means to load the driver on boot.
# ORACLEASM_UID: Default user owning the /dev/oracleasm mount point.
# ORACLEASM_GID: Default group owning the /dev/oracleasm mount point.
# ORACLEASM_SCANBOOT: 'true' means fix disk perms on boot
# ORACLEASM_CLEARBOOT: 'true' means clean old disk perms on boot
# ORACLEASM_SCANORDER: Matching patterns to order disk scanning
# ORACLEASM_SCANEXCLUDE: Matching patterns to exclude disks from scan
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