What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Tweet by OraNA.info

OraNA.info (@orana)

7/16/14 3:06 PM

What's New in Oracle Event Processing 12c? dlvr.it/6LVM0y #oracle

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Tweet by OraNA.info

OraNA.info (@orana)

7/16/14 5:15 PM

Oracle MAA Part 2: Bronze HA Reference Architecture dlvr.it/6LXHpP #oracle

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Tweet by Pete Sharman

Pete Sharman (@SharmanPete)

7/16/14 5:36 PM

A new video by Jagan Athreya (Product Manager for AWR Warehouse) that's well worth watching youtube.com/watch?v=StydMi…

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Tweet by Pete Sharman

Pete Sharman (@SharmanPete)

7/16/14 6:54 PM

Delivering DBaaS using EM12c wp.me/p40a3L-4y

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Tweet by oaktable network

oaktable network (@oakies_blog)

7/16/14 7:00 PM

New post by pete.sharman - Delivering DBaaS using EM12c - tinyurl.com/pvaluxl

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Tweet by Rene Antunez

Rene Antunez (@grantunez)

7/16/14 7:46 PM

2nd platform will have an 0.5% CAGR, 3rd platform will have 10.6% CAGR between 2013-2020, so get on the bus ! #DBAAS tcs.com/SiteCollection…

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