What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Tweet by Fred Weichselbaum

Fred Weichselbaum (@flweich)

12/9/13 9:13 AM

Oracle DBAs: DBaaS? On VMware? Using EM12c? Self-Service Portal? Yes you can! bit.ly/1dVCq17

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Tweet by Martin Nash

Martin Nash (@mpnsh)

12/12/13 5:44 PM

12c Improvement in Database Service Management wp.me/p3T7fg-4p

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Tweet by Oracle RAC SIG

Oracle RAC SIG (@racsig)

12/17/13 11:22 AM

RACSIG Webinar Dec 19 9am PST: Running Oracle Multitenant Database on Real Application Clusters (RAC) 12c oracleracsig.org/pls/apex/f?p=1…

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Tweet by IOUG


12/17/13 5:25 PM

Exadata x4 High Performance Disks ow.ly/rQBUT via Gokhan Atil @gokhanatil

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Tweet by Karl Arao

Karl Arao (@karlarao)

12/15/13 9:54 PM

Different views of IO performance with AWR data for Exadata / non-Exa goo.gl/YNUCEE

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