What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Tweet by SearchOracle.com

SearchOracle.com (@SearchOracle)

12/5/13 3:54 PM

Security services company uses MapR HBase to calm data downpour: bit.ly/18nRRHH

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Tweet by Vasu Balla

Vasu Balla (@vasuballa)

12/5/13 4:39 PM

RT @pythian: Pythian Blackboard Alex and Samer ROI on Big Data: youtu.be/aEcZXK2VqEs?a @hadoop @MongoDB

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Tweet by Mark Rittman

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Tweet by Fuad Arshad

Fuad Arshad (@fuadar)

12/5/13 4:53 PM

Using DCLI to install Oracle R Distribution and Oracle R Enterprise feedly.com/e/1xvRL3pR via @feedly

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Tweet by Harvard Biz Review

Harvard Biz Review (@HarvardBiz)

12/5/13 5:10 PM

Don't just use data to improve operations. Use it to build your products s.hbr.org/1iDxHTW

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Tweet by OraNA.info

OraNA.info (@orana)

12/5/13 5:25 PM

Webcast: Top 5 Reasons why Oracle VM is Best for Oracle Database dlvr.it/4S8QVR #oracle

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Tweet by OracleEnterpriseMgr

OracleEnterpriseMgr (@oracle_em)

12/5/13 6:13 PM

Why Database As A Service (DBaaS) Will Be The Breakaway Technology of 2014 | Forbes #Cloud #em12c #db12c pub.vitrue.com/jMtb

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