What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

ODA Basics

Active Active replication - cool

Sun ZFS Backup Appliance

Exadata ASM w/ ASMCA


Total Cloud Control for Systems


View this on-demand event to learn how to accelerate mission-critical cloud deployment, unleash the power of Oracle Solaris 11, and simplify Oracle engineered systems management with Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 12c

The master's RAC docs:

Single document URL and direct access

White Paper: Best Practices for Upgrading to Oracle Database 11g Release 2

Oracle Solaris Zones Preflight System Checker

Tweet by Yury

Let me introduce Mr Neo in Oracle. @riyajshamsudeen can read strace/truss & explain U how Oracle background procs works http://t.co/jBNvkk1j

by Yury at 5/1/12 6:07 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/yvelikanov/status/197447121731985409)

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