Uwe Hesse (@UweHesse)Recent post on uhesse.com: #Oracle Database whoami for Multitenant buff.ly/1bXV0hS |
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What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb
Uwe Hesse (@UweHesse)Recent post on uhesse.com: #Oracle Database whoami for Multitenant buff.ly/1bXV0hS |
Tanel Poder (@TanelPoder)Just bought the System Performance book by @brendangregg . I know this will be an awesome read! ow.ly/sv3Lc |
e_DBA (@e_DBA)Great Linux Containers demo from @jarneil @e_DBA - Be sure to check it out! bit.ly/1iIDeaJ - #oraclelinux @ORCL_Linux |
Martin Bach (@MartinDBA)@coskan @TanelPoder if it's anything nearly as good as brendangregg.com/Slides/SCaLE_L… then I might have to get it too. |
Tanel Poder (@TanelPoder)Good stuff from past: SGA bigger than than the amount of HugePages configured (Linux - bit.ly/1dIdSm4 |
OraNA.info (@orana)Noticed? Oracle has a SPARC-powered Exadata Configuration called SuperCluster dlvr.it/4hYs6f #oracle |
horia berca (@horiaberca)Will Database as a Service (#DBaaS) be the next big thing? #db12c #em12c #multitenant diginomica.com/2014/01/09/dat… |
Oracle Database (@OracleDatabase)Interested in #Hadoop? Learn common, practical use cases for getting value out of Hadoop pub.vitrue.com/pWP9 |