What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Tweet by OracleBlogs

OracleBlogs (@OracleBlogs)

11/14/12 7:45 PM

Slap the App on the VM for every private cloud solution! Really ? ow.ly/2tdpAd

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Tweet by OracleBlogs

OracleBlogs (@OracleBlogs)

11/14/12 1:23 AM

Create a Loyalty Program That Sticks - Thursday 30 Minute Webcast ow.ly/2tcvYF

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Tweet by Yury

Yury (@yvelikanov)

11/14/12 1:46 AM

Published a set of AWR mining scripts I used during yesterday's emergency troubleshooting bit.ly/SUC6jV blog bit.ly/RSUSKV

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Tweet by Xavier Picamal

Xavier Picamal (@CondeBond)

11/14/12 2:43 AM

Ease the Chaos with Automated Patching: Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c by Porus Homi Havewala #em12c lnkd.in/d2Vgxb

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Tweet by Gokhan Atil

Gokhan Atil (@gokhanatil)

11/14/12 2:58 AM

oradebug -g all dumps to diag process trace file bobbydurrettdba.com/2012/11/13/ora… + Closing trace file w/ORADEBUG by @alexgorbachev oracloid.com/2006/05/closin…

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Tweet by Uwe Hesse

Uwe Hesse (@UweHesse)

11/14/12 3:54 AM

Migrate (cross platform) to #Exadata using Transportable Tablespaces and Incremental Backups: MOS 1389592.1

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Tweet by Xavier Picamal

Xavier Picamal (@CondeBond)

11/14/12 4:21 AM

How a Oracle Database Is Quiesced lnkd.in/na4hHA

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Tweet by Xavier Picamal

Xavier Picamal (@CondeBond)

11/14/12 4:36 AM

Effective Resource Management Using Oracle Database Resource Manager ves.cat/bsuW

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Tweet by Xavier Picamal

Xavier Picamal (@CondeBond)

11/14/12 4:59 AM

Oracle: Technology, Application, and more ~ MAX_UTILIZATION_LIMIT - A Very useful option in 11gR2 lnkd.in/S_tWqR

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Tweet by Xavier Picamal

Xavier Picamal (@CondeBond)

11/14/12 5:44 AM

DBA Masters ~ 11g R2 – About Oracle Database Resource Manager lnkd.in/DCdUBF

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Tweet by OraNA.info

OraNA.info (@orana)

11/14/12 6:06 AM

Mutating histograms, mutating number of rows, mutating blevel, mutating number of distinct levels… What do they mean? dlvr.it/2TbwCP

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Tweet by Harvard Biz Review

Harvard Biz Review (@HarvardBiz)

11/14/12 6:07 AM

Management Tip: Make Your To-Do List Work s.hbr.org/TZ9n0s #HBRMgmntTip

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Tweet by Yury

Yury (@yvelikanov)

11/14/12 6:28 AM

Did you miss it? My next blog post "Upgraded to 11GR2? Congrats! You are in Direct Reads trouble!" bit.ly/RSUSKV

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Tweet by Timur Akhmadeev

Timur Akhmadeev (@timurakhmadeev)

11/14/12 6:52 AM

Interesting conversation on the topic of Large pages groups.google.com/d/topic/comp.d…

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