What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Sunday, April 22, 2012

by Tanel Poder

Just wrote a short blog entry: Where is LOB data stored http://t.co/fFu5VWRZ

by Tanel Poder at 4/22/12 11:30 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/TanelPoder/status/194085695130845184)

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c.hooper blog - Temporary Tablespace Storage Parameters – What is Wrong with this Quote http://t.co/Fd0tW8oL

by Jos van den Oord at 4/22/12 11:57 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/joord01/status/194092577681702912)

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Alex G slides- good discussion on ASM FGs


(Source: http://twitter.com/alexgorbachev/status/194212226561880064)

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Cool PDF from Arup...well deserved

Congratulations to @arupnanda, winner of the award for the best #IOUG article "Cache Fusion Demystified" http://t.co/RR4srMar #c12lv

by Marc Fielding at 4/22/12 11:30 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/pythianfielding/status/194267077169782784)

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RAC Internal by the master

gc buffer busy acquire vs release http://t.co/Z0a9PKWJ by @riyajshamsudeen

by Anand Prakash at 4/20/12 3:00 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/anandprakash86/status/193232585021865984)

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James Morle on ASM device naming

New Blog post:
Udev Rules OK: How to manage ASM device naming in RHEL/OL6


by James Morle at 4/20/12 8:02 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/JamesMorle/status/193308699484360705)

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Marcin Przepiorowski on Hugepages

I have updated my post about HugePages - http://t.co/JZNsqa7c - @yvelikanov thanks for morning conversation

by Marcin Przepiorowski at 4/20/12 1:56 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/pioro/status/193397736308092929)

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Cool editing tips

I sed awk! http://t.co/QekFCepC

by OraNA.info at 4/20/12 3:44 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/orana/status/193424960079921154)

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