What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Tweet by Andrey Goryunov

Andrey Goryunov (@goryunov)

7/18/12 9:54 PM

Average Active Session in SQL*plus with refresh by Marcin Przepiorowski @pioro bit.ly/Q6HGmD Great job Marcin!

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Tweet by Fuad Arshad

Fuad Arshad (@fuadar)

7/17/12 8:56 AM

blog post Using Rman Active Duplicate to create a Standby from a standby: There comes a time when you need to... bit.ly/PcL4d3

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Tweet by Guenadi Jilevski

Guenadi Jilevski (@gjilevski)

7/17/12 1:56 PM

Implement classic bi-directional DML and DDL replication between two Oracle RAC databases using OGG 11.2 – Download wp.me/pvzmQ-1eJ

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Tweet by Martin Berger

Martin Berger (@martinberx)

7/17/12 3:24 PM

@Ik_zelf my real goal is oracle.com/webapps/dialog… and oracleprof.blogspot.co.at/2012/04/hcc-on… - and in parallel learn racattack in it's details

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Tweet by Surachart Opun

Surachart Opun (@surachart)

7/17/12 4:19 PM

Big Ideas Demystifying Hadoop: youtu.be/xJHv5t8jcM8 via @YouTube @EMCcorp

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Tweet by OraNA.info

OraNA.info (@orana)

7/17/12 4:40 PM

July 31 Webinar dlvr.it/1smJJn

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Tweet by emre baransel

emre baransel (@emrebaransel)

7/17/12 5:56 PM

Voting disk changes in Oracle 11gR2 bit.ly/Q3fmQQ

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Tweet by Aman....

Aman.... (@amansharma81)

7/17/12 7:58 PM

Minimize Downtime with Rolling Upgrade using Data Guard with @UweHesse: bit.ly/NUdZl9 #Oracle #oraevent

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Tweet by a tall Yury

a tall Yury (@yvelikanov)

7/17/12 8:14 PM

How 2 prepare Oracle Certified Master Exam- seems 2B a popular topic :) 244 hits in less than 24h.Not many comments tho bit.ly/LnBgbb

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Tweet by Eddie Awad

Eddie Awad (@eddieawad)

7/17/12 4:08 PM

Today's webinar about #Oracle caching went very well. Thanks for the attendees and @odtug. Download prezo & scripts ow.ly/cj1gH

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Tweet by oaktable network

oaktable network (@oakies_blog)

7/18/12 3:00 AM

New post by khailey - Oracle "Physical I/O" ? not always physical - tinyurl.com/bn34ro5

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Tweet by OraNA.info

OraNA.info (@orana)

7/18/12 6:51 AM

Downloading older versions of Oracle Database and OAS software dlvr.it/1svHcp

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Tweet by OraNA.info

OraNA.info (@orana)

7/18/12 10:34 AM

Using Logical Standby (SQL Apply) for near zero downtime upgrade of two node Oracle RAC database from to... dlvr.it/1sxtmP

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Tweet by Oracle ACE Program

Oracle ACE Program (@oracleace)

7/17/12 5:36 PM

RT @DBAKevlar: RMOUG is seeking articles for our upcoming Fall Issue of SQL>Update.: lnkd.in/iSP5Gv

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Tweet by Andy Colvin

Andy Colvin (@acolvin)

7/18/12 11:27 AM

#Exadata July QDPE is out for - patch #14103267 - check 888828.1 for details

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Tweet by OraNA.info

OraNA.info (@orana)

7/18/12 12:33 PM

OWB 11gR2 – Parallelization using DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE dlvr.it/1szFx8

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Tweet by Kevin Closson

Kevin Closson (@kevinclosson)

7/18/12 12:28 PM

. @martinberx Everyone should get the #Exadata fundamentals down SOLID. We know everyone is CLEAR on the exaggeration. bit.ly/ExaFundamental

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Tweet by OraNA.info

OraNA.info (@orana)

7/18/12 1:40 PM

V$CELL_CONFIG dlvr.it/1t02YY

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Tweet by OTN Garage

OTN Garage (@OTN_Garage)

7/18/12 5:07 PM

Easier device management for sysadmins - the story of how and why we integrated ASMLib into Oracle #Linux, by Wim - bit.ly/NiDoXI

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