What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Monday, January 28, 2013

Tweet by Kelly Langi

Kelly Langi (@DbvisitKelly)

1/27/13 5:15 PM

Why Oracle SE should still be on the menu, live webinar, become an Oracle Hero in just 29 minutes-starts tomorrow! ow.ly/h3cFh

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Tweet by Great Minds Quotes

Great Minds Quotes (@GreatestQuotes)

1/27/13 6:27 PM

"Happiness is inward and not outward; and so it does not depend on what we have, but on what we are." - Henry Van Dyke

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Tweet by Shyam Varan Nath

Shyam Varan Nath (@shyamvaran)

1/27/13 7:54 PM

Join the #Exadata Virtual Conference Feb 6-7 2013 Register for each day www1.gotomeeting.com/register/56021… www1.gotomeeting.com/register/78218… #ORACLE #IOUG #Database

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Tweet by Surachart Opun

Surachart Opun (@surachart)

1/27/13 9:25 PM

Cisco gets closer to NetApp, further from VCE shar.es/CeJsK via @NetworkWorld

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Tweet by Surachart Opun

Surachart Opun (@surachart)

1/27/13 9:25 PM

Cisco gets closer to NetApp, further from VCE shar.es/CeJsK via @NetworkWorld

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Tweet by Xavier Picamal

Xavier Picamal (@CondeBond)

1/28/13 2:48 AM

How To Collect 10046 Trace (SQL_TRACE) Diagnostics for Performance Issues [ID 376442.1] #Oracle #Performance #Troubleshooting

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Tweet by Kent Graziano

Kent Graziano (@KentGraziano)

1/27/13 11:33 PM

Data Vault vs.The World (3 of 3) wp.me/p25i8c-ft

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Tweet by Xavier Picamal

Xavier Picamal (@CondeBond)

1/28/13 3:19 AM

Information Center: Patching and Maintaining Oracle Data Guard Physical Standby DB [ID 1421814.2] Links, Notes about Patching & Upgrade

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Tweet by Neil Chandler

Neil Chandler (@ChandlerDBA)

1/28/13 3:19 AM

New post about dba_extents (from 1992) chandlerdba.wordpress.com/2013/01/25/ora…

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Tweet by VMware vFabric

VMware vFabric (@vFabric)

1/27/13 10:03 PM

Building Redundant #Datacenter Networks is Not For Sissies - Use an Outside WAN Backbone j.mp/WWv8gq

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Tweet by Michael Morris

Michael Morris (@SQLUnCorked)

1/25/13 12:14 PM

How Does the Cloud Change a Systems Architect's Job? : blogs.msdn.com/b/buckwoody/ar…

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Tweet by Michael Morris

Michael Morris (@SQLUnCorked)

1/25/13 11:35 AM

#EMC Storage Integration for Dummies , Part1: Expand a LUN and grow Windows Volume @ESIPSToolKit @bottkars community.emc.com/docs/DOC-21284

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Tweet by Anand Prakash

Anand Prakash (@anandprakash86)

1/28/13 2:37 AM

Efficiency-based SQL tuning wp.me/p23v8d-mU via @wordpressdotcom

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Tweet by Xavier Picamal

Xavier Picamal (@CondeBond)

1/28/13 4:45 AM

Oracle Examples ~ Tips for DBMS_STATS I & II ves.cat/cvBc ves.cat/cvBe

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GOKHAN ATIL (@gokhanatil)

1/28/13 4:58 AM

New blog post of Julian Dontcheff: SQL Tuning Advisor Internals juliandontcheff.wordpress.com/2013/01/27/sql… Julian shows how to trace #oracle SQL Tuning Advisor

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Tweet by OraNA.info

OraNA.info (@orana)

1/28/13 5:48 AM

Announcement: Oracle VM 3.2 dlvr.it/2s8183

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Tweet by Management Tip

Management Tip (@ManagementTip)

1/28/13 5:50 AM

HBR.org: The Right Way to Give Your Boss Bad News s.hbr.org/VJJMs5

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