What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tweet by Syed Jaffer Hussain

Syed Jaffer Hussain (@sjaffarhussain)

8/7/12 8:15 AM

How to Use Oracle VM VirtualBox Templates oracle.com/technetwork/ar…

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Tweet by OTN Garage

OTN Garage (@OTN_Garage)

8/6/12 1:14 PM

Blog: My clustering cheat sheet: Why install Oracle RAC on Oracle Solaris Zone Clusters, with links to more info. bit.ly/OFHNQD

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Tweet by Andrejs Karpovs

Andrejs Karpovs (@AndrejsKarpovs)

8/6/12 2:48 PM

RT @MarisElsins :First article has been published in #NoCOUG Journal August 2012 page 19 bit.ly/Pc37Mo Thanks for reading :) #in #fb

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Tweet by OraNA.info

OraNA.info (@orana)

8/7/12 12:39 AM

Oracle Database Appliance Value Proposition for Small and Mid-size Businesses dlvr.it/1yfymZ

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Tweet by Timur Akhmadeev

Timur Akhmadeev (@timurakhmadeev)

8/7/12 6:01 AM

Just replied to oracle-l with a link to @kevinclosson's post on LGWR work goo.gl/p07JA. The 1st blog comment is from the OP. Funny.

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Tweet by Uwe Hesse

Uwe Hesse (@UweHesse)

8/3/12 10:02 AM

Automatic Block Media Recovery in Action on Video wp.me/ppZNJ-hB

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