What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Tweet by Tanel Poder

Tanel Poder (@TanelPoder)

4/20/16, 1:10 PM

Video Recording of Gluent New World #02: SQL-on-Hadoop with Mark Rittman buff.ly/1rkIfOl

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Tweet by Franck Pachot

Franck Pachot (@FranckPachot)

4/20/16, 1:27 PM

Don't want 'backup archivelog' to 'archive log current'? just set an 'until time' pic.twitter.com/XMIrqm93Ds

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Tweet by Mike Dietrich

Mike Dietrich (@MikeDietrichDE)

4/20/16, 5:23 AM

Exclude stats with Data Pump when migrating with TTS and FTEX differently: blogs.oracle.com/UPGRADE/entry/… #upgrade #oracle #12c

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Tweet by Saurabh K. Gupta

Saurabh K. Gupta (@SAURABHKG)

4/18/16, 4:32 AM

Understand how parallel execution works in Oracle oracle.co/technetwork/ar…

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Tweet by Markus Michalewicz

Markus Michalewicz (@OracleRACpm)

4/17/16, 3:18 PM

Uploaded "Oracle Database In-Memory Meets Oracle RAC" to slideshare. Will update #C16LV files. /CC @TheInMemoryGuy lnkd.in/bQqX684

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