What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tweet by Oracle Database

Oracle Database (@OracleDatabase)

6/17/14, 8:45 AM

Download Oracle RAC & Database Support Tools Bundle: Tools Deemed Critical for Every RAC & Single Instance ora.cl/jda

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Tweet by OracleEnterpriseMgr

OracleEnterpriseMgr (@oracle_em)

6/17/14, 10:01 AM

RT @orawiss: Manageability with Oracle Database 12c oracle.com/technetwork/da… #DB12c #EM12c

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Tweet by Pythian Jobs

Pythian Jobs (@PythianJobs)

6/17/14, 10:25 AM

3 tips for public speaking like a pro: ow.ly/3lQwGe via @BrazenCareerist

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Tweet by Profit Online

Profit Online (@OracleProfit)

6/17/14, 11:03 AM

Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Release 4 Introduces Groundbreaking Database Management Capabilities oracle.com/us/dm/oracleem…

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Tweet by Oracle

Oracle (@Oracle)

6/17/14, 1:27 PM

Join the In-Memory revolution with Oracle #DB12c - bit.ly/1pBYsLa

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Tweet by Bobby Curtis

Bobby Curtis (@dbasolved)

6/17/14, 2:08 PM

Oracle Database In-Memory Powers the Real-Time Enterprise (Exadata Partner Community - EMEA) buff.ly/1qkkIJA

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Tweet by Jeff Browning

Jeff Browning (@OracleHeretic)

6/17/14, 2:22 PM

#EMCWorld Technical Session: Bridging The Gap Between Storage Administrators & Oracle DBAs vts.inxpo.com/Launch/Event.h…

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Tweet by Pete Sharman

Pete Sharman (@SharmanPete)

6/17/14, 2:27 PM

June issue of the Enterprise Manager InDepth Newsletter - oracle.com/us/dm/oraclent…

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