What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Exadata in Laptop - again !

Paulo Portugal
Oracle Database Architect at F2C
Top Contributor
Hi Arup,

How are you?

I need to organize, but for now I made this (sorry, something is still in portuguese):

1-Install OEL5U9 64 bit

2-Download Exadata Cell Software 12.1

3-SCP Exadata Cell Software to your vm

scp ExaCell121110.zip root@

4-Unzip and install jdk and cell rpm

unzip ExaCell*

5-Untar cell software on boots/cell

6-Configurar YUM

7-Criar o diretorio abaixo:

mkdir /var/log/oracle
chmod 775 /var/log/oracle

8-Ediatr o arquivo /etc/bash colocando a linha abaixo n final:

export DISPLAY=:0.0

9-Editar o arquivo /etc/sysctl.conf colocando as linhas abaixo:

fs.file-max = 65536


OBS: rodar sysctl -p

10-Editar o arquivo /etc/security/limits.conf colcoando as linhas abaixo:

* soft nofile 65536
* hard nofile 65536

11-Configurar RDS conforme abaixo:

[root@cell12 raw]# lsmod | grep rds
[root@cell12 raw]# modprobe rds
[root@cell12 raw]# modprobe rds_tcp
[root@cell12 raw]# modprobe rds_rdma
[root@cell12 raw]# lsmod | grep rds
rds_rdma 82580 0
rds_tcp 10455 0
rds 96059 2 rds_rdma,rds_tcp
rdma_cm 36793 2 rds_rdma,ib_iser
ib_core 66577 7 rds_rdma,ib_iser,rdma_cm,ib_cm,iw_cm,ib_sa,ib_mad

12-Criar o arquivo conforme abaixo:

more /etc/modprobe.d/rds.conf
install rds /sbin/modprobe –ignore-install rds && /sbin/modprobe rds_tcp && /sbin/modprobe rds_rdma

13-Editar o /etc/hosts como abaixo:

# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail. localhost.localdomain localhost
#::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6 exacel01

14-Instalar JDK que está no cellrpms.tbz

15-Instalar pacote net-snmp pelo yum

yum install net-snmp*

16-Instalar exadtaa com yum

yum install exadata*

17-Instalar rpm da celula

rpm -Uvh cell-

18-Criar discos na VM e depois links no SO

echo $T_WORK
mkdir -p
[root@exacel01 ~]# fdisk -l 2>/dev/null | grep "2147 MB" | awk '{ printf "%s%02d\n", "ln -s "$2" exacel01_DISK", NR }'|sed "s/://"
ln -s /dev/sda exacel01_DISK01
ln -s /dev/sdb exacel01_DISK02
ln -s /dev/sdc exacel01_DISK03
ln -s /dev/sdd exacel01_DISK04
ln -s /dev/sde exacel01_DISK05
ln -s /dev/sdf exacel01_DISK06
ln -s /dev/sdg exacel01_DISK07
ln -s /dev/sdh exacel01_DISK08
ln -s /dev/sdi exacel01_DISK09
ln -s /dev/sdj exacel01_DISK10
ln -s /dev/sdk exacel01_DISK11
ln -s /dev/sdl exacel01_DISK12
[root@exacel01 ~]#

[root@exacel01 raw]# fdisk -l 2>/dev/null | grep "4294 MB" | awk '{ printf "%s%02d\n", "ln -s "$2" exacel01_FLASH", NR }'|sed "s/://"
ln -s /dev/sdm exacel01_FLASH01
ln -s /dev/sdn exacel01_FLASH02
ln -s /dev/sdo exacel01_FLASH03
ln -s /dev/sdp exacel01_FLASH04
[root@exacel01 raw]# ln -s /dev/sdm exacel01_FLASH01
[root@exacel01 raw]# ln -s /dev/sdn exacel01_FLASH02
[root@exacel01 raw]# ln -s /dev/sdo exacel01_FLASH03
[root@exacel01 raw]# ln -s /dev/sdp exacel01_FLASH04
[root@exacel01 raw]#

19-Criar celula e discos

alter cell exacel01 interconnect1=eth1

list lun
create celldisk all
create griddisk all harddisk prefix=DISK
create griddisk all flashdisk prefix=FLASH

Best Regards,
Paulo Portugal

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