What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Thursday, May 26, 2016

Tweet by Oracle Exadata on Twitter

Oracle Exadata (@Exadata)
An important question #IT #Cloud #Infrastructure leaders face: Which cloud is right for you? ora.cl/QI0S pic.twitter.com/ZNdH0kHCSv

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Tweet by Franck Pachot on Twitter

Franck Pachot (@FranckPachot)
Nice explanation of IaaS Paas SaaS twitter.com/Exadata/status…

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Tweet by OraNA.info on Twitter

OraNA.info (@orana)
I/O Resource Management on Exadata dlvr.it/LPsk7r #oracle

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Tweet by dbi services

dbi services (@dbiservices)

5/26/16, 5:23 AM

New post in our blog by Franck Pachot: DB_FLASHBACK_RETENTION_TARGET may hang your database ift.tt/1qL6AeM

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