What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Monday, December 17, 2012

jc nars (@jcnars) shared a Tweet with you!

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Mathijs Bruggink

"@CondeBond: Rohit's Oracle Blog ~ Installation of Oracle Database 11gR2 RAC On RHEL5.5 Using Oracle VM Box lnkd.in/EY8JSW". Awsome.

03:00 PM - 17 Dec 12
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jc nars (@jcnars) shared a Tweet with you!

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Francisco Munoz A

White Paper: Cloud Reference Architecture: bit.ly/T4y4Z8

03:56 PM - 17 Dec 12
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Tweet by OracleEnterpriseMgr

OracleEnterpriseMgr (@oracle_em)

12/17/12 2:18 PM

Discover what it takes to be an enterprise #cloud hero ? Read Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c e-book today pub.vitrue.com/RIxC

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Tweet by Xavier Picamal

Xavier Picamal (@CondeBond)

12/17/12 5:44 AM

Query Runs Well in One Database But Not Another With Cost Based Optimizer [ID 246336.1] #Oracle #Query #Peformance

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Tweet by Xavier Picamal

Xavier Picamal (@CondeBond)

12/17/12 5:49 AM

EVENT: 10046 "enable SQL statement tracing (including binds/waits)" [ID 21154.1] #Oracle #SQL #Trace

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GOKHAN ATIL (@gokhanatil)

12/17/12 6:07 AM

New blog post of Pierre Sicot @dbiservices: Migrating (Upgrading?) to Oracle OEM Cloud Control dbi-services.com/index.php/blog… #em12c

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Tweet by Wissem El Khlifi

Wissem El Khlifi (@orawiss)

12/17/12 6:57 AM

11.2 Data Guard Physical Standby Switchover Best Practices using the Broker [ID 1305019.1]

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Tweet by Xavier Picamal

Xavier Picamal (@CondeBond)

12/17/12 7:29 AM

RMAN Restoring A 32 bit Database to 64 bit - An Example [ID 467676.1] #Oracle 9i to 10.2 releases #interesting

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Tweet by Allan Robertson

Allan Robertson (@dba_emc2)

12/17/12 7:35 AM

Example Architectural Decision - Storage I/O control for IaaS solutions wp.me/p2lYCN-eh via @josh_odgers

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