What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Saturday, April 28, 2012

Tweet by Carlos Sierra

Free Webinar: Using SQLTXPLAIN to diagnose SQL statements performing poorly http://t.co/6xgxZUwm via @wordpressdotcom

by Carlos Sierra at 4/28/12 7:26 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/csierra_usa/status/196260266625871872)

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Tweet by Dominic Delmolino

What Valve Looks for When it Hires http://t.co/9xNuOonx

by Dominic Delmolino at 4/28/12 7:17 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/ddelmoli/status/196285368969068546)

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Tweet by OraNA.info

IOPS, capacity, bandwidth - and something new to explain to the people in purchasing http://t.co/AL8UdCxA

by OraNA.info at 4/28/12 6:35 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/orana/status/196367136376094723)

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Tweet by Oracle Linux

@yvelikanov @pythianfielding Oracle VM Server for x86 may be used as hard partitioning technology:

by Oracle Linux at 4/28/12 8:42 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/ORCL_Linux/status/196399045877567488)

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Tweet by oaktable network

New post by rshamsud - _gc_fusion_compression - http://t.co/PyDRVuZE

by oaktable network at 4/28/12 11:00 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/oakies_blog/status/196433756096176128)

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Tweet by Gokhan Atil

New blog post of @pioro: HCC on non-Exadata - How Oracle is detecting storage type http://t.co/S90q3fp6

by Gokhan Atil at 4/27/12 4:39 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/gokhanatil/status/195975452840562689)

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Tweet by Leighton L. Nelson

An extended version of my presentation at Collaborate 12 - Looking at RAC, GI/Clusterware Diagnostic Tools #C12LV #Ora…http://t.co/OBMBoLan

by Leighton L. Nelson at 4/27/12 1:23 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/leight0nn/status/195926047382978560)

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Tweet by OracleBlogs

Solaris Volume Manager (SVM) on Solaris 11 http://t.co/8rrd5ccr

by OracleBlogs at 4/28/12 3:26 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/OracleBlogs/status/196138243983540225)

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Tweet by Frits Hoogland

Reading http://t.co/D1YAyWHm about Linux 2.6 IO. Must read for performance analysts!

by Frits Hoogland at 4/28/12 5:04 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/fritshoogland/status/196162874492731394)

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Tweet by OraNA.info

Free Webinar: Using SQLTXPLAIN to diagnose SQL statements performing poorly http://t.co/cl7ArqRS

by OraNA.info at 4/28/12 7:43 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/orana/status/196202857156972544)

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