What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Performance - cursor sharing

My cursor wasn't shared because of STB_OBJECT_MISMATCH. What does that mean? http://ow.ly/1gVtMj

Redo sizing w/ nologging - Frm the master Riyaj

New post by rshamsud - Nologging redo size - http://tinyurl.com/7n469ob


How Dell Migrated From SUSE Linux to Oracle Linux http://bit.ly/wCHOP5 > some technical details, not just a case study

If u missed today's 12c stuff

The Oracle Enterprise Management Online Forum is ended . You can watch on demand later http://bit.ly/wkhhJO #em12c

Rman BCT

From: Surachart Opun

read Oracle 10G Block Change Tracking Inside Out http://bit.ly/ys8REQ

Flashback explained

Cool Linux

Does Your Weekend Workload Look Like This? http://ow.ly/1gVDyI

Worthy aim in life

Bill Gates (@BillGates)
1/24/12 7:32 PM

We can make the choice to help the world's poorest. http://b-gat.es/annual-letter


Levi Pereira (@dba_levipereira)
1/24/12 8:51 PM

Watch: Part 2- Understanding Oracle RAC Internals by Markus Michalewicz http://wp.me/p189BW-jz via @wordpressdotcom

Nice DIY space calculation from Bryan

Good Architecture pix for RAC & Exadata


Exa* (@ExaStar)
1/25/12 8:09 AM

Video: Introducing #Oracle #Database Appliance: A Fully Integrated System

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