What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tweet by Michael Corey

Michael Corey (@Michael_Corey)

7/25/12 1:10 AM

I added a video to a @YouTube playlist youtu.be/mSrpkoiEDHg?a Choosing The Right Hypervisor and The Monster VM

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Tweet by Michael Corey

Michael Corey (@Michael_Corey)

7/25/12 1:10 AM

I added a video to a @YouTube playlist youtu.be/_liC3ZYQxeE?a Jumbo frames and Database Virtualization

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Tweet by Oracle Magazine

Oracle Magazine (@oraclemagazine)

7/25/12 2:58 AM

eBook: Server Virtualization for Dummies ow.ly/ctKXQ

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Tweet by OraNA.info

OraNA.info (@orana)

7/25/12 4:01 AM

Running Oracle VM Templates on Oracle Linux guide (Part 2 of 7) dlvr.it/1vXRt7

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Tweet by Xavier Picamal

Xavier Picamal (@CondeBond)

7/25/12 5:17 AM

Secrets of Oracle's Automatic Degree of Parallelism by @gwenshap #Oracle #DOP lnkd.in/hkDzqy

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Tweet by Mathijs Bruggink

Mathijs Bruggink (@MathijsBruggink)

7/24/12 3:05 AM

Great article on Database 11g Release 2 Result Cache in an Oracle RAC Environment: oracle.com/technetwork/ar…

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