What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Monday, April 30, 2012

Tweet by Marcin Przepiorowski

Just blogged how Oracle is detecting storage type to enable HCC on non-Exadata hosts - http://t.co/cCxLqfsl .

by Marcin Przepiorowski at 4/27/12 1:46 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/pioro/status/196669066147135489)

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Tweet by OraNA.info

Google Drive: Installing the windows client (filesystem plugin) http://t.co/RquTxQIK

by OraNA.info at 4/29/12 3:09 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/orana/status/196677540729991168)

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Tweet by OracleBlogs

Distributed transaction on Oracle Real Application Cluster database http://t.co/Tgy4YjMR

by OracleBlogs at 4/29/12 5:26 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/OracleBlogs/status/196712193981562881)

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OracleBlogs Chinese

11g R2 RAC Expert http://t.co/2rF4EyM7

by OracleBlogs at 4/29/12 6:28 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/OracleBlogs/status/196727640688832514)

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Tweet by Oracle Magazine

Oracle Magazine for iPhone http://t.co/M4Flkg0O

by Oracle Magazine at 4/29/12 6:22 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/oraclemagazine/status/196729733818486784)

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Tweet by Yury

I heard this pres from @fuadar @ #C12LV. If U R serious about #RAC I recommend 2 check the slides published here http://t.co/kav6nsLH

by Yury at 4/29/12 8:05 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/yvelikanov/status/196752017237094400)

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Tweet by Fuad Arshad

#ODA Patch 2.2.0. Now Available http://t.co/jmXFtLsG #rac #oracle

by Fuad Arshad at 4/29/12 8:11 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/fuadar/status/196753627006767104)

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Tweet by Oracle Middleware

RT @oraclewebcenter: #DALLAS,TX May 3 FREE #AIIM #ContentManagement Boot Camp SIGN UP TODAY! #WebCenter http://t.co/hG1P7sem

by Oracle Middleware at 4/29/12 5:45 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/OracleMiddle/status/196769510953459712)

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Tweet by Fuad Arshad

blog post MIgrating from Single Instance to RAC and Upgrading using Data guard: As Promised Embedded below is m... http://t.co/6BYWHocU

by Fuad Arshad at 4/29/12 9:27 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/fuadar/status/196772680345714688)

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Tweet by Fuad Arshad

blog post ODA Patch 2.2.0. Now Available: The First Oracle Database Appliance Significant version patch is now a... http://t.co/Jy6HFAdY

by Fuad Arshad at 4/29/12 9:27 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/fuadar/status/196772681801146368)

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Tweet by OraNA.info

MIgrating from Single Instance to RAC and Upgrading using Data guard http://t.co/yan9PDQf

by OraNA.info at 4/29/12 9:50 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/orana/status/196778520112934913)

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Tweet by Leighton L. Nelson

Playing with Hybrid Columnar Compression on #VirtualBox with Oracle's Sun ZFS Storage 7000 Simulator. Watch this demo

by Leighton L. Nelson at 4/29/12 11:02 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/leight0nn/status/196796733529923584)

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Tweet by CoskanDBA

http://t.co/o6UWjdGI how to read strace and sql trace output together by @fritshoogland

by CoskanDBA at 4/30/12 3:08 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/coskan/status/196858655134584832)

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Tweet by Syed Jaffer Hussain

OS Watcher Black Box User Guide [ID 301137.1]

by Syed Jaffer Hussain at 4/30/12 3:41 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/sjaffarhussain/status/196866951610511361)

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Tweet by Syed Jaffer Hussain

OSWatcher Black Box Analyzer (OSWbba) is a graphing & analysis utility which comes bundled with OSWbb v4.0.0 and higher. View 461053.1.

by Syed Jaffer Hussain at 4/30/12 3:47 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/sjaffarhussain/status/196868442471665664)

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Tweet by Uwe Hesse

Do you use RACcheck? A must when you are responsible for #Oracle #RAC administration. See MOS 1268927.1 Download, User Guide & Viewlet

by Uwe Hesse at 4/30/12 3:43 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/UweHesse/status/196874600473313280)

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Tweet by CoskanDBA

http://t.co/gGy0TBOI how does oracle optimize block transfer to reduce private network traffic on RAC by @riyajshamsudeen

by CoskanDBA at 4/30/12 3:14 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/coskan/status/196881751019237376)

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Tweet by OracleBlogs

Upcoming Exadata Technical Live Virtual Bootcamps: May 16-19th http://t.co/UGj5koRJ

by OracleBlogs at 4/30/12 6:30 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/OracleBlogs/status/196909300151619584)

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