What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Tweet by Jeff Smith

Jeff Smith (@thatjeffsmith)

7/12/12 5:53 PM

Did you miss it?: RMAN in Oracle SQL Developer is.gd/F0KVIJ #SQLDeveloper

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Tweet by Allan Robertson

Allan Robertson (@dba_emc2)

7/18/12 4:32 AM

RT @vcdxnz001: Fight the FUD - Metalink 249212.1. Oracle is supported on vSphere, including Oracle RAC. Full support provided by VMware too.

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Tweet by Sandesh Rao

Sandesh Rao (@sandeshr)

7/20/12 7:38 PM

Cloud databases 101: Who builds 'em and what they do pulse.me/s/bt0RQ

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Tweet by Syed Jaffer Hussain

Syed Jaffer Hussain (@sjaffarhussain)

7/21/12 4:15 AM

How To Restore 10g RMAN Backup to 11g? wp.me/p1W0mp-8b via

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