What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Tweet by Marco Mischke on Twitter

Marco Mischke (@DBAMarco)
Sudden "latch free" contention yesterday in #orclDB #12c. Reason: Automatic dynamic statistics and Result Cache: MOS 2002089.1

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Tweet by Pete Sharman on Twitter

Pete Sharman (@SharmanPete)
Video Tutorial: XPLAN_ASH Active Session History - Part 10 oracle-randolf.blogspot.com.au/2016/09/video-…

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Tweet by Oracle Magazine on Twitter

Oracle Magazine (@oraclemagazine)
Cache large tables in the buffer cache & improve performance w/o expensive storage. #DB12c ora.cl/pu0e pic.twitter.com/JfsdSQRO16

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Tweet by Amardeep Sidhu on Twitter

Amardeep Sidhu (@amardeep_sidhu)
addNode.sh, failed root.sh and IB listener amardeepsidhu.com/blog/2016/09/1…

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Tweet by Harvard Biz Review on Twitter

Harvard Biz Review (@HarvardBiz)
6 Ways to Disagree with Senior Management s.hbr.org/2cpdKkN pic.twitter.com/OMz4ZHJfTD

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Tweet by Gurcan Orhan on Twitter

Gurcan Orhan (@gurcan_orhan)
It is so nice to see our article in latest issue of @oracleace Newsletter. /cc @yasinsaygili oracle.com/us/dm/sev10056…

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