What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Thursday, September 22, 2016

Tweet by Oracle Magazine on Twitter

Oracle Magazine (@oraclemagazine)
Cache large tables in the buffer cache & improve performance w/o expensive storage. #DB12c ora.cl/pu0e pic.twitter.com/mHLTivT588

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Tweet by Ulrike Schwinn on Twitter

Ulrike Schwinn (@uschwinn)
Good article about #db12 automatic big table caching and in Single Instance env with serial queries it's available for all editions. twitter.com/oraclemagazine…

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Tweet by Oracle DB Support on Twitter

Oracle DB Support (@OracleDBsupport)
#INDEX#ORA-600[ktbdchk1:bad dscn] OR [kdsgrp1] in #DATA#GUARD after #SWITCHOVER? Check out: ora.cl/BB5G pic.twitter.com/azEyGFkytV

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Tweet by Marc Fielding on Twitter

Marc Fielding (@mfild)
Salesforce addresses 15-min recovery waits by disabling dynamic remastering entirely and dropping MTTR target to 30 pic.twitter.com/Ld5mAHefzS

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Tweet by oaktable network on Twitter

oaktable network (@oakies_blog)
New post by arupnanda - Slides for OOW16 Session Preventing Bad SQLs - tinyurl.com/z56ry99

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Tweet by Oracle Magazine on Twitter

Oracle Magazine (@oraclemagazine)
Test your knowledge of SQL Plan Management in Oracle Database 12c. ora.cl/Pp3O pic.twitter.com/HeCsj8YIqS

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Tweet by : Forcing a “Nested Loop only” Execution Plan

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