What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Tweet by satyendra

satyendra (@pasalapudi)

5/24/14 1:43 PM

10 Critical Questions To Ask A #Cloud Service Provider pulse.me/s/1dxzv7

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Tweet by Linux news

Linux news (@Linuxnews1)

5/24/14 9:24 AM

Top story: How to Sort and Remove Duplicate Photos in Linux | Linux.com linux.com/learn/tutorial…, see more tweetedtimes.com/linuxaria

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Tweet by oaktable network

oaktable network (@oakies_blog)

5/24/14 10:00 AM

New post by marco - Oracle Real-World Performance – E-Learning Video's - tinyurl.com/ok636bs

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Tweet by Bill Gates

Bill Gates (@BillGates)

5/24/14 11:01 AM

The best talk I saw at TED this year—it is fascinating and also deeply moving: b-gat.es/1nvkb2X

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Tweet by Marek Wawrzynczyk

Marek Wawrzynczyk (@marekw)

5/19/14 11:33 AM

10 Free Java Programing Books for beginners - download, pdf and HTML | Java67: java67.blogspot.com/2013/11/10-fre…

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Tweet by OraNA.info

OraNA.info (@orana)

5/24/14 1:12 PM

Rolling forward a standby database using RMAN Incremental Backup dlvr.it/5mQg7L #oracle

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Most Work Conflicts Aren't Due to Personality - Ben Dattner - Harvard Business Review


(Source: https://twitter.com/HarvardBiz/status/470051345018658817)

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