What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Tweet by Patrick Wheeler on Twitter

Patrick Wheeler (@OraclePDB)
#DB12cR2 now available on Oracle Cloud. #Multitenant enhancements reviewed in new White Paper on OTN. oracle.com/technetwork/da…

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Tweet by Monty Latiolais on Twitter

Monty Latiolais (@monty_latiolais)
Blog Post: Where, Oh Where Has My Little Tweet Gone?
dlvr.it/Mk15Zs #Twitter pic.twitter.com/1FAcB770VJ

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Tweet by David Fitzjarrell on Twitter

David Fitzjarrell (@ddfdba)
With all the talk of Oracle ACEs ...

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Tweet by Linux news on Twitter

Linux news (@Linuxnews1)
Learn Perl with this temperature-conversion script goo.gl/uFtfLc #linux

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Tweet by Biju Thomas on Twitter

Biju Thomas (@biju_thomas)
Using SQL Patch to add hints to a packaged application (#Oracle Optimizer) buff.ly/2g4GJtz

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Tweet by VLDB Bayliss on Twitter

VLDB Bayliss (@vldbb)
Check out the new Oracle Optimizer white paper blogs.oracle.com/optimizer/entr…

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Tweet by Mike Dietrich on Twitter

Mike Dietrich (@MikeDietrichDE)
OPTIMIZER_ADAPTIVE_FEATURES is OBSOLETE in Oracle Database 12.2 and needs to be removed when upgrading: blogs.oracle.com/UPGRADE/entry/… #12cR2 #12c

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Tweet by Connor McDonald on Twitter

Connor McDonald (@connor_mc_d)
Attribute clustering for better performance through less I/O buff.ly/2fXxV9Z pic.twitter.com/2AAhTBbjN4

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Tweet by OraNA.info on Twitter

OraNA.info (@orana)
New Oracle Optimizer White Paper dlvr.it/MjwFzy #oracle

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