What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Tweet by Franck Pachot

Franck Pachot (@FranckPachot)

7/23/14 7:02 AM

#Oracle12c #inmemory Be careful most of the licensed options are always installed. Few exceptions are: pic.twitter.com/touhR7PmaO

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Tweet by Syed Jaffer Hussain

Syed Jaffer Hussain (@sjaffarhussain)

7/23/14 7:20 AM

Oracle supports Force Full Database Caching Mode. Anticipate a lot of debate over this in the coming days.

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Tweet by James Murtagh

James Murtagh (@jmurts)

7/23/14 7:40 AM

Jonathan Lewis' (@JLOracle) new post on #oracle execution plans: allthingsoracle.com/execution-plan… Part of a series on allthingsoracle.com

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