What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Tweet by Cormac Hogan

Cormac Hogan (@VMwareStorage)

1/9/13 9:20 AM

New Blog Post: Auto LUN Discovery on ESXi hosts bit.ly/ZGSXxL

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Tweet by Marcos Cubric

Marcos Cubric (@ORCLexpert)

1/9/13 6:37 PM

Teaching but also learning from the students. #ACFS is now supported for #RMAN backups and #archivedlogs! #Oracle @ORCLconsulting

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GOKHAN ATIL (@gokhanatil)

1/9/13 4:49 AM

New blog post of Jonathan Lewis: Analysing Statspack 13 jonathanlewis.wordpress.com/2013/01/07/ana… #oracle #performance

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Tweet by OracleBlogs

OracleBlogs (@OracleBlogs)

1/9/13 5:24 AM

How does SQL Plan Management match SQL statements to SQL plan baselines? ow.ly/2uasNf

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Tweet by Oracle RAC SIG

Oracle RAC SIG (@racsig)

1/8/13 9:24 PM

There is an important Oracle Database Appliance announcement coming up. Join the #RACSIG to hear it first j.mp/VcmY5Y

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Tweet by oraclehardware

oraclehardware (@oraclehardware)

1/9/13 6:00 AM

#Solaris 11 and the tricks in the sysadmin toolbox: pub.vitrue.com/I1se #Oracle

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GOKHAN ATIL (@gokhanatil)

1/9/13 4:49 AM

New blog post of Jonathan Lewis: Analysing Statspack 13 jonathanlewis.wordpress.com/2013/01/07/ana… #oracle #performance

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Tweet by Uwe Hesse

Uwe Hesse (@UweHesse)

1/9/13 5:32 AM

New post by @SQLMaria RT @OracleBlogs How does SQL Plan Management match SQL statements to SQL plan baselines? ow.ly/2uasNf #oracle

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