What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Tweet by OraNA.info

OraNA.info (@orana)

10/31/14, 11:27 PM

Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Plug-in for Enterprise Manager (v2.0) Now Available dlvr.it/7NXRXl #oracle

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Tweet by Gokhan Atil

Gokhan Atil (@gokhanatil)

11/1/14, 5:30 AM

Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Plug-in for Enterprise Manager (v2.0) Now Available blogs.oracle.com/step/entry/ora… #EM12c

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Tweet by Kellyn PotVin-Gorman

Kellyn PotVin-Gorman (@DBAKevlar)

11/1/14, 6:35 AM

New dplyr course by RStudio and DataCamp! Learn data manipulation interactively swyy.co/ZGFEKXg #R

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Tweet by OracleBlogs

OracleBlogs (@OracleBlogs)

11/1/14, 8:06 AM

Oracle Database In-Memory on RAC - Part I - Up until now our blog posts have focused on getting you started with O... ow.ly/2Q0zBa

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Tweet by Gokhan Atil

Gokhan Atil (@gokhanatil)

11/1/14, 9:05 AM

Oracle Database In-Memory on RAC - Part I | Maria Colgan blogs.oracle.com/In-Memory/entr…

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Tweet by Arup Nanda

Arup Nanda (@arupnanda)

11/1/14, 10:23 AM

RT @kelloggs_ville: . @arupnanda great post on deadlocks explained arup.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/applic… good visuals, very clear and concise

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Tweet by Hemant K Chitale

Hemant K Chitale (@HemantKChitale)

11/1/14, 10:54 AM

My second post on StatsPack and AWR Reports -- this is on comparing reports from different days. hemantoracledba.blogspot.sg/2014/11/statsp…

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