What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Monday, March 27, 2017

Tweet by Ludovico Caldara on Twitter

Ludovico Caldara (@ludodba)
My colleague @ChrisAntognini starts a series of videos about Oracle Performance Troubleshooting! @Trivadis trivadis.smh.re/2F

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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Tweet by Deiby Gómez on Twitter

Deiby Gómez (@hdeiby)
Taking Care of Block Change Tracking While Duplicating Databases

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Tweet by Andy Rivenes on Twitter

Andy Rivenes (@db_inmemory)
Oracle Database In-Memory 12.2 Video

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Saturday, March 18, 2017

Tweet by Houri Mohamed on Twitter

Houri Mohamed (@MohamedHouri)
Starting from 12cR2 you don't need anymore to use no_bind_aware cursor to cancel the ACS feature :-)


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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Tweet by Oracle RAC SIG on Twitter

Oracle RAC SIG (@racsig)
RAC SIG Webinar on Oracle RAC 12c2 New Features - March 22nd. @oracle_database @oracle12c #DB12cR2 #RAC oracleracsig.org/events/oracle-…

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Thursday, March 2, 2017

Tweet by Oracle DB Support on Twitter

Oracle DB Support (@OracleDBsupport)
A #DB Performance question often asked is, what is the difference between a plan baseline and sql profile? ora.cl/Nh3I pic.twitter.com/4ZSMf1UKkk

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Tweet by Steve Harville on Twitter .......convert to calendar

Steve Harville (@SteveHarville)
New Zealand Will Give You a Free Trip If You Agree to a Job Interview

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Tweet by Marco Mischke on Twitter

Marco Mischke (@DBAMarco)
#orcldb #12c upgrade slow when gathering fixed object stats buff.ly/2mJ24gs

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Tweet by dominic_giles on Twitter

dominic_giles (@dominic_giles)
To celebrate Oracle Database 12c Release 2 Im releasing swingbench 2.6 (Beta). As usual you can download it here. dominicgiles.com/downloads.html pic.twitter.com/rQxRX3DK6G

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Tweet by OraNA.info on Twitter

OraNA.info (@orana)
Database 12c Release 2 available for download dlvr.it/NWkdF1 #oracle

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Tweet by Pete Sharman on Twitter

Pete Sharman (@SharmanPete)

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Tweet by Kellyn PotVin-Gorman on Twitter

Kellyn PotVin-Gorman (@DBAKevlar)
Why the DBA is Necessary to the Cloud- Part I dbakevlar.com/2017/03/dba-ne…

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Tweet by OTN Systems Hub on Twitter

OTN Systems Hub (@OTNSystemsHub)

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Tweet by Mike Donovan on Twitter

Mike Donovan (@dbvisitmike)
Why the DBA is Necessary to the Cloud- Part I @DBAKevlar dbakevlar.com/2017/03/dba-ne… #database #cloud #DBA

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Tweet by OraNA.info on Twitter

OraNA.info (@orana)
Oracle Database 12c Release 2 is Now Available…and so is our New VirtualBox Appliance! dlvr.it/NWsXWn #oracle

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Tweet by Fuad Arshad on Twitter

Fuad Arshad (@fuadar)
Optimizer Adaptive Features and Upgrading to Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (Oracle Optimizer) buff.ly/2lxlT8O

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