What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Tweet by Uwe Hesse on Twitter

Uwe Hesse (@UweHesse)
RMAN old feature: Restore datafile without backup uhesse.com/2015/10/20/rma…

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Monday, November 28, 2016

Tweet by Mauro Pagano on Twitter

Mauro Pagano (@Mautro)
Something new about SQL Plan Directives and 12.2 mauro-pagano.com/2016/11/28/som…

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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Tweet by Pete Sharman on Twitter

Pete Sharman (@SharmanPete)
Transparent Data Encryption in Disaster Recovery linkedin.com/pulse/transpar…

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Thursday, November 24, 2016

Tweet by Kirk Borne on Twitter

Kirk Borne (@KirkDBorne)
#DataScience for Beginners >> Fantastic Intro Video Series from Microsoft: kdnuggets.com/2016/08/data-s… #BigData #MachineLearning via @kdnuggets pic.twitter.com/X2HFM7LerF

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Tweet by Carlos Sierra on Twitter

Carlos Sierra (@csierra_usa)

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Tweet by Dani Schnider on Twitter

Dani Schnider (@dani_schnider)
Blog post of @ChrisAntognini helped to identify why optimizer_adaptive_features was wrong on our PDB.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Tweet by Patrick Wheeler on Twitter

Patrick Wheeler (@OraclePDB)
#DB12cR2 now available on Oracle Cloud. #Multitenant enhancements reviewed in new White Paper on OTN. oracle.com/technetwork/da…

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Tweet by Monty Latiolais on Twitter

Monty Latiolais (@monty_latiolais)
Blog Post: Where, Oh Where Has My Little Tweet Gone?
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Tweet by David Fitzjarrell on Twitter

David Fitzjarrell (@ddfdba)
With all the talk of Oracle ACEs ...

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Tweet by Linux news on Twitter

Linux news (@Linuxnews1)
Learn Perl with this temperature-conversion script goo.gl/uFtfLc #linux

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Tweet by Biju Thomas on Twitter

Biju Thomas (@biju_thomas)
Using SQL Patch to add hints to a packaged application (#Oracle Optimizer) buff.ly/2g4GJtz

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Tweet by VLDB Bayliss on Twitter

VLDB Bayliss (@vldbb)
Check out the new Oracle Optimizer white paper blogs.oracle.com/optimizer/entr…

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Tweet by Mike Dietrich on Twitter

Mike Dietrich (@MikeDietrichDE)
OPTIMIZER_ADAPTIVE_FEATURES is OBSOLETE in Oracle Database 12.2 and needs to be removed when upgrading: blogs.oracle.com/UPGRADE/entry/… #12cR2 #12c

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Tweet by Connor McDonald on Twitter

Connor McDonald (@connor_mc_d)
Attribute clustering for better performance through less I/O buff.ly/2fXxV9Z pic.twitter.com/2AAhTBbjN4

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Tweet by OraNA.info on Twitter

OraNA.info (@orana)
New Oracle Optimizer White Paper dlvr.it/MjwFzy #oracle

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Monday, November 21, 2016

Tweet by Kellyn PotVin-Gorman on Twitter

Kellyn PotVin-Gorman (@DBAKevlar)
Oldie but Goodie! From DBAKevlar! Redgate Webinar, "ASH and AWR Performance Data" dbakevlar.com/2012/08/redgat… #ashandawr #oracle

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Sunday, November 20, 2016

Tweet by Biju Thomas on Twitter

Biju Thomas (@biju_thomas)
#Oracle Standby Redo Logs – Why and How? buff.ly/2fqDhtP

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Tweet by Steve Harville on Twitter

Steve Harville (@SteveHarville)
Oracle: Using SQL Patch to add hints to a packaged application

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Tweet by Mindful on Twitter

Mindful (@MindfulOnline)
A groundbreaking treatment for depression is about to reach a whole new level buff.ly/2fZnWkC pic.twitter.com/Jxp8S3Pfff

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Tweet by WordPress Tribe on Twitter

WordPress Tribe (@tribewp)
Moving Blogger to WordPress: A simplish guide bit.ly/2g6H8PZ

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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Tweet by Ric Van Dyke on Twitter

Ric Van Dyke (@RicVanDyke)
#hotsos #sql Missed my training session today on reading plans? Check out the recording here: hotsos.com/apex/f?p=200:7…

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Monday, November 14, 2016

Tweet by Franck Pachot on Twitter

Franck Pachot (@FranckPachot)
My performance tests with SLOB on ODA X6 are in @UKOUG OracleScene viewer.zmags.com/publication/a9… pic.twitter.com/UYURCanD4m

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Tweet by Oracle DB Support on Twitter

Oracle DB Support (@OracleDBsupport)
Advice for DBAs about best practices for RMAN #DB backup commands handled most efficiently by the Recovery Appliance ora.cl/5Mo0 pic.twitter.com/N3DKPkM3Km

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Tweet by Kevin on Twitter

Kevin (@kevinclosson)
Oracle Scene magazine article: ODA performance w/ SLOB (kevinclosson.net/slob) by @FranckPachot viewer.zmags.com/publication/a9… #mondaymotivation

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Tweet by oaktable network on Twitter

oaktable network (@oakies_blog)
New post by davidkurtz - ASH Analysis: Detecting and Profiling Adaptive Plans in 12c - tinyurl.com/zce6voz

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Saturday, November 12, 2016

Tweet by Arup Nanda on Twitter

Arup Nanda (@arupnanda)
Download preso, scripts for my session Resolving Latch Contention at #Sangam16 of @AIOUG leg of #ACED #OTNTour from arup.blogspot.in/2016/11/sangam…

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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Tweet by Gokhan Atil on Twitter

Gokhan Atil (@gokhanatil)
Smart Scans efficiency chart for Oracle Engineered Systems carlos-sierra.net/2016/11/08/sma…

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