What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Thursday, September 29, 2016

Tweet by jc nars on Twitter

jc nars (@jcnars)
@m_siva_raman @Enkitec @andyklock @nyoug_nyc

Fished it from nyoug Twitter handle:

Really looks super cool

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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Tweet by Uwe Hesse on Twitter

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Tweet by oaktable network on Twitter

oaktable network (@oakies_blog)
New post by Uwe Hesse - How to do PDB PITR in #Oracle 12c - tinyurl.com/hyjc2tr

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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

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When CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE, Does Literal Replacement Always Take Place?

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Tweet by Christian Antognini on Twitter

Christian Antognini (@ChrisAntognini)
To support 12.2 and avoid errors with 12.1, I'm adding a PL/SQL block similar to the following one to many of my demo scripts. #DB12c #AQO pic.twitter.com/DOU6wOu5Jo

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Tweet by Biju Thomas on Twitter

Biju Thomas (@biju_thomas)
#oratidbit In Oracle #DB12c 12.2 container database, you can flashback a single PDB. In 12.1 you had to flashback the entire CDB.

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Sunday, September 25, 2016

Tweet by Christian Antognini on Twitter

Christian Antognini (@ChrisAntognini)
SQL Trace in Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service #DB12cR2 #OraclePaaS

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Tweet by Connor McDonald on Twitter

Connor McDonald (@connor_mc_d)
bit.ly/2djEiYe TOP-N histograms on 12c

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Tweet by Rene Antunez on Twitter

Rene Antunez (@rene_ace)
If using ACLs and upgrading to RDBMS 12102 , patch your binaries first with 20369415 or you might hit a bug and have to start all over again

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Tweet by Kellyn PotVin-Gorman on Twitter

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Saturday, September 24, 2016

Tweet by Biju Thomas on Twitter

Biju Thomas (@biju_thomas)
Why Bother [difference between count(*), count(1), count(pk_col) - thanks @JLOracle for telling this again] buff.ly/2dqrrCn

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Tweet by Pete Sharman on Twitter

Pete Sharman (@SharmanPete)
Just posted my OOW presentation for download app.greenrope.com/v.pl?e7037625a…

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Tweet by Connor McDonald on Twitter

Connor McDonald (@connor_mc_d)
bit.ly/2cKIxGZ Parsing no big deal eh?

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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Tweet by Oracle Magazine on Twitter

Oracle Magazine (@oraclemagazine)
Cache large tables in the buffer cache & improve performance w/o expensive storage. #DB12c ora.cl/pu0e pic.twitter.com/mHLTivT588

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Tweet by Ulrike Schwinn on Twitter

Ulrike Schwinn (@uschwinn)
Good article about #db12 automatic big table caching and in Single Instance env with serial queries it's available for all editions. twitter.com/oraclemagazine…

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Tweet by Oracle DB Support on Twitter

Oracle DB Support (@OracleDBsupport)
#INDEX#ORA-600[ktbdchk1:bad dscn] OR [kdsgrp1] in #DATA#GUARD after #SWITCHOVER? Check out: ora.cl/BB5G pic.twitter.com/azEyGFkytV

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Tweet by Marc Fielding on Twitter

Marc Fielding (@mfild)
Salesforce addresses 15-min recovery waits by disabling dynamic remastering entirely and dropping MTTR target to 30 pic.twitter.com/Ld5mAHefzS

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Tweet by oaktable network on Twitter

oaktable network (@oakies_blog)
New post by arupnanda - Slides for OOW16 Session Preventing Bad SQLs - tinyurl.com/z56ry99

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Tweet by Oracle Magazine on Twitter

Oracle Magazine (@oraclemagazine)
Test your knowledge of SQL Plan Management in Oracle Database 12c. ora.cl/Pp3O pic.twitter.com/HeCsj8YIqS

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Tweet by : Forcing a “Nested Loop only” Execution Plan

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Tweet by Rob Lockard #ACE on Twitter

Rob Lockard #ACE (@YourNavionPilot)
#BlastFromThePast Life of a Oracle DBA. What is choking my Oracle database server? oraclewizard.com/Oraclewizard/2…

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Tweet by Vasu Balla on Twitter

Vasu Balla (@r12dba)
Use incremental L1 forever with rman 12.2 #oow16 pic.twitter.com/MvhnZiB7FB

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Tweet by Kellyn PotVin-Gorman on Twitter

Kellyn PotVin-Gorman (@DBAKevlar)
Statement-level PARALLEL Hint | oaktable.net mobile.oaktable.net/content/statem…

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Tweet by Franck Pachot on Twitter

Franck Pachot (@FranckPachot)
New blog post from San Francisco about 12.2 optimizer adaptive features: SPD disabled by default blog.dbi-services.com/oracle-12cr2-o…

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Tweet by Kellyn PotVin-Gorman on Twitter

Kellyn PotVin-Gorman (@DBAKevlar)

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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Tweet by Andy Klock on Twitter

Andy Klock (@andyklock)
Is it possible to recover a lost Oracle TDE key? Maybe. checkyourlogsblog.com/index.php/2016…

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Tweet by Rob Lockard #ACE on Twitter

Rob Lockard #ACE (@YourNavionPilot)
#BlastFromThePast Oracle Transparent Data #Encryption Performance. #Oracle on Linux 5 oraclewizard.com/Oraclewizard/2…

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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Tweet by Marco Mischke on Twitter

Marco Mischke (@DBAMarco)
Sudden "latch free" contention yesterday in #orclDB #12c. Reason: Automatic dynamic statistics and Result Cache: MOS 2002089.1

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Tweet by Pete Sharman on Twitter

Pete Sharman (@SharmanPete)
Video Tutorial: XPLAN_ASH Active Session History - Part 10 oracle-randolf.blogspot.com.au/2016/09/video-…

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Tweet by Oracle Magazine on Twitter

Oracle Magazine (@oraclemagazine)
Cache large tables in the buffer cache & improve performance w/o expensive storage. #DB12c ora.cl/pu0e pic.twitter.com/JfsdSQRO16

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Tweet by Amardeep Sidhu on Twitter

Amardeep Sidhu (@amardeep_sidhu)
addNode.sh, failed root.sh and IB listener amardeepsidhu.com/blog/2016/09/1…

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Tweet by Harvard Biz Review on Twitter

Harvard Biz Review (@HarvardBiz)
6 Ways to Disagree with Senior Management s.hbr.org/2cpdKkN pic.twitter.com/OMz4ZHJfTD

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Tweet by Gurcan Orhan on Twitter

Gurcan Orhan (@gurcan_orhan)
It is so nice to see our article in latest issue of @oracleace Newsletter. /cc @yasinsaygili oracle.com/us/dm/sev10056…

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Monday, September 12, 2016

Tweet by Stefan Koehler on Twitter

Stefan Koehler (@OracleSK)
I love my job! Did you know that Oracle's IM store is currently implemented via different system V SHM segments? pic.twitter.com/EppaluKEIL

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Sunday, September 11, 2016

Tweet by Fairlie Rego on Twitter

Fairlie Rego (@fairlierego)
Checking compute node bandwidth fairlierego.wordpress.com

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Tweet by Biju Thomas on Twitter

Biju Thomas (@biju_thomas)
Oracle Wait Metrics vs Wait Events buff.ly/2ctkaz4

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Tweet by Frits Hoogland on Twitter

Frits Hoogland (@fritshoogland)
How many memory is truly used by my Oracle instance? fritshoogland.wordpress.com/2016/09/10/how…

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Tweet by Mike Dietrich on Twitter

Mike Dietrich (@MikeDietrichDE)
The OJVM Patching Saga - Part 2 - blogs.oracle.com/UPGRADE/entry/… #12c #patch #ojvm

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Tweet by Biju Thomas on Twitter

Biju Thomas (@biju_thomas)
ORACLE-BASE - How To Learn Real Application Clusters (RAC) Administration buff.ly/2c6xTiX

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Sunday, September 4, 2016

Tweet by Biju Thomas on Twitter

Biju Thomas (@biju_thomas)
How to Create an Execution Plan (All Things SQL) buff.ly/2c1tf40

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Saturday, September 3, 2016

Tweet by Rob Lockard #ACE on Twitter

Rob Lockard #ACE (@YourNavionPilot)
#BlastFromThePast #Oracle Transparent Data #Encryption Baseline Practices webinar oraclewizard.com/Oraclewizard/2…

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Tweet by Franck Pachot on Twitter

Franck Pachot (@FranckPachot)
@Mautro Yes, agree. I detailed it in a blog post to remember it next time I see it: blog.dbi-services.com/adaptive-plans…

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