What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Saturday, March 26, 2016

Tweet by Kevin

Kevin (@kevinclosson)

3/22/16, 3:08 PM

Don't let ink dry on that multi-million $$ Exadata P.O. until one of your DBAs can recite The 7 Fundamentals: kevinclosson.net/2010/09/17/sev…

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Thursday, March 17, 2016

Tweet by Marco Mischke

Marco Mischke (@DBAMarco)

3/16/16, 3:33 PM

How to upgrade to #orcldb #12c on #orclODA with standby DB in place buff.ly/1R2eMy5

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Tweet by Cherif Ben Henda

Cherif Ben Henda (@bijga_)

3/17/16, 4:08 PM

What's The Difference Between Direct Path Reads And DB File Scattered Reads? lnkd.in/ezYk65q

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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Tweet by SQL Daily

SQL Daily (@sqldaily)

3/14/16, 9:41 PM

Parallel #SQL: What are PX Server Sets, Parallelizers, DFO Trees, Parallel Groups? See buff.ly/22dTdFt pic.twitter.com/89R81xetHP

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Friday, March 4, 2016

Tweet by Rene Antunez

Rene Antunez (@rene_ace)

3/2/16, 9:48 PM

Did you miss this post? IOUG Cloud SIG Webinar – Oracle Multitenant: The Beating Heart Of D rene-ace.com/ioug-cloud-sig… #oracle_tech #english

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