What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Thursday, July 31, 2014

Tweet by Kyle Hailey

Kyle Hailey (@kylehhailey)

7/31/14 9:53 PM

Online Oracle performance videos on AAS, ASH and Visual SQL Tuning at delphix.com/category/webin… plus I/O benchmarking video

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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tweet by OraNA.info

OraNA.info (@orana)

7/29/14 12:18 AM

Oracle Multitenant in Minutes Workshop dlvr.it/6SF41W #oracle

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Tweet by Kevin

Kevin (@kevinclosson)

7/29/14 1:03 AM

Impugn My Character Over Technical Points–But You Should Probably Be Correct When You Do So. Oracle 12c In-Memory… wp.me/p21zc-199

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Tweet by Tanel Poder

Tanel Poder (@TanelPoder)

7/29/14 1:28 AM

Good stuff from past: What the heck are the /dev/shm/JOXSHM_EXT_x files on Linux? bit.ly/1zp6wAY

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Tweet by Allan Robertson

Allan Robertson (@dba_hba)

7/29/14 3:17 AM

Technical Whitepaper: Oracle In Memory Overview pulse.me/s/1RhQhC

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Tweet by Lucas Jellema

Lucas Jellema (@lucasjellema)

7/29/14 4:22 AM

Run a VM with JDeveloper & Oracle XE within 15 minutes? Clone github.com/lucasjellema/a… and run Vagrant - see pic.twitter.com/sQ3gvCT3h4

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Tweet by Allan Robertson

Allan Robertson (@dba_hba)

7/29/14 5:45 AM

Exploring Options of Using RMAN Configure to Simplify Backup pulse.me/s/1RYGzd

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Tweet by Doug Burns

Doug Burns (@orcldoug)

7/29/14 6:52 AM

Unsurprisingly good post RT @scaleabilities: Oracle's In-Memory Database: The True Cost Of Licensing wp.me/p21NKn-gR

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Monday, July 28, 2014

Tweet by dbi services

dbi services (@dbiservices)

7/28/14 5:04 AM

SQL monitoring Oracle shows adaptive plans ow.ly/zEhbK by @FranckPachot #Oracle12c #DB12c #Oracle

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Tweet by flashdba

flashdba (@flashdba)

7/24/14 12:26 PM

So here it is, in case you hadn't worked it out: ASM Filter Driver docs.oracle.com/database/121/O…

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Tweet by Fuad Arshad

Fuad Arshad (@fuadar)

7/28/14 6:58 AM

"AWR Warehouse, Status" buff.ly/1nO3dz8 good read

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Tweet by Uwe Hesse

Uwe Hesse (@UweHesse)

7/28/14 7:40 AM

Great article by James Morle about #Oracle's In-Memory Database! buff.ly/1o5l7sQ (Why it will be expensive)

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Friday, July 25, 2014

Tweet by Craig Martin

Craig Martin (@c_martin2)

6/25/14 12:16 PM

Step into the mind of a genius.. @JLOracle shares how he walks through an AWR report: jonathanlewis.wordpress.com/2014/06/25/awr…

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Tweet by Luca Canali

Luca Canali (@LucaCanaliDB)

6/26/14 3:09 PM

"ASM Metadata, Internals and Diagnostic Utilities" externaltable.blogspot.com/2014/06/asm-me…

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Tweet by Anand

Anand (@anandp86)

7/3/14 3:19 AM

ASM Disk Metadata differences between ASMLib and UDEV - Oracle - Oracle - Toad World toadworld.com/platforms/orac…

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Tweet by Anand

Anand (@anandp86)

7/3/14 2:21 AM

Nice read - Data block recovering process using Normal Redundancy -- goo.gl/dRs6OY by @hdeiby

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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Tweet by Maria Colgan

Maria Colgan (@SQLMaria)

7/23/14 12:41 AM

Its been a crazy yr since joining the In-Memory team but today made it all worth it In-Memory is officially released blogs.oracle.com/In-Memory/

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Tweet by Ronald Vargas ACED

Ronald Vargas ACED (@rovaque)

7/20/14 4:15 PM

Publicación blog Oracle Database 12c Upgrade/Migration using Full Transportable Export/Import in MOS ow.ly/2KqYs7

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Tweet by Ronald Vargas ACED

Ronald Vargas ACED (@rovaque)

7/23/14 5:33 PM

@OracleDatabase Oracle Database In-Memory White Paper, July 2014 oracle.com/technetwork/da… @OracleComunidad

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Tweet by Ronald Vargas ACED

Ronald Vargas ACED (@rovaque)

7/23/14 5:42 PM

#Oracle #DB12c In-Memory provides the best of both worlds row format ( Buffer Cache ) and new column format. oracle.com/technetwork/da…

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Tweet by Charles Kim

Charles Kim (@racdba)

7/24/14 2:09 AM

Oracle Linux 7 is now available. Here's a high level summary: ora.cl/EsS"

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Tweet by Ludovico Caldara

Ludovico Caldara (@ludodba)

7/24/14 4:36 AM

#inmemory big deal: two blog posts at the price of one tweet. #1: ludovicocaldara.net/dba/db12c-in-m… #2: ludovicocaldara.net/dba/in-memory-… #db12c

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Tweet by OraNA.info

OraNA.info (@orana)

7/24/14 5:28 AM

Oracle Database 12c Release – My First Observations. Licensed Features Usage Concerns – Part I. dlvr.it/6Q1N1f #oracle

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Tweet by OraNA.info

OraNA.info (@orana)

7/24/14 6:31 AM

Recurring Conversations: AWR Intervals (Part 2) dlvr.it/6Q35Xq #oracle

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Tweet by Y V RaviKumar (OCM)

Y V RaviKumar (OCM) (@yvrk1973)

7/24/14 6:38 AM

You can download Patch 17694377: PATCH SET FOR ORACLE DATABASE SERVER under "Patches and Updates" Tab.

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Tweet by OraNA.info

OraNA.info (@orana)

7/24/14 6:47 AM

Oracle Multitenant – PDB Clone New Features ( – Part I dlvr.it/6Q3XtM #oracle

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Tweet by Kellyn Pot'Vin

Kellyn Pot'Vin (@DBAKevlar)

7/24/14 6:56 AM

Oracle Database 12c Release 1 ( New Features buff.ly/WG3iv4

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Tweet by OraNA.info

OraNA.info (@orana)

7/24/14 7:03 AM

Oracle Multitenant – PDB Clone New Features ( – Part II dlvr.it/6Q3zHh #oracle

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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Tweet by Franck Pachot

Franck Pachot (@FranckPachot)

7/23/14 7:02 AM

#Oracle12c #inmemory Be careful most of the licensed options are always installed. Few exceptions are: pic.twitter.com/touhR7PmaO

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Tweet by Syed Jaffer Hussain

Syed Jaffer Hussain (@sjaffarhussain)

7/23/14 7:20 AM

Oracle supports Force Full Database Caching Mode. Anticipate a lot of debate over this in the coming days.

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Tweet by James Murtagh

James Murtagh (@jmurts)

7/23/14 7:40 AM

Jonathan Lewis' (@JLOracle) new post on #oracle execution plans: allthingsoracle.com/execution-plan… Part of a series on allthingsoracle.com

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Sunday, July 20, 2014

Tweet by SQL Performance Tips

SQL Performance Tips (@SQLPerfTips)

7/20/14, 4:55 PM

The Trouble with [Oracle] Parsing: youtube.com/watch?v=1oddFE… Soft/Hard Parse: use-the-index-luke.com/l/sql/glossary… Bind Parameters: use-the-index-luke.com/l/sql/where-cl…

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Tweet by nixCraft Linux Blog

nixCraft Linux Blog (@nixcraft)

7/20/14, 6:24 PM

Confused by #Bash shell Initialization files? See when bash init scripts run via solipsys.co.uk/new/BashInitia… #unix #linux pic.twitter.com/PYoaiBW3R3

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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Tweet by Kevin

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Tweet by Fuad Arshad

Fuad Arshad (@fuadar)

7/18/14 3:09 PM

"ASM Metadata, Internals and Diagnostic Utilities" buff.ly/1zQt5jt good read

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Tweet by kragen

kragen (@kragen)

7/18/14 7:16 PM

redsymbol.net/articles/unoff… I've been programming in sh for 20+ years and I still didn't know most of this. YOU MUST READ THIS if you shellscript

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Tweet by Pete Sharman

Pete Sharman (@SharmanPete)

7/18/14 9:16 PM

Database Consolidation (PDBaaS) – Setup wp.me/p40a3L-4J

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Tweet by OraNA.info

OraNA.info (@orana)

7/18/14 10:55 PM

Database Consolidation (PDBaaS) – Setup dlvr.it/6Mb92J #oracle

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Tweet by oaktable network

oaktable network (@oakies_blog)

7/19/14 12:00 AM

New post by pete.sharman - Database Consolidation (PDBaaS) – Setup - tinyurl.com/qdt8mbt

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Friday, July 18, 2014

Tweet by Hemant K Chitale

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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Tweet by OraNA.info

OraNA.info (@orana)

7/16/14 3:06 PM

What's New in Oracle Event Processing 12c? dlvr.it/6LVM0y #oracle

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Tweet by OraNA.info

OraNA.info (@orana)

7/16/14 5:15 PM

Oracle MAA Part 2: Bronze HA Reference Architecture dlvr.it/6LXHpP #oracle

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Tweet by Pete Sharman

Pete Sharman (@SharmanPete)

7/16/14 5:36 PM

A new video by Jagan Athreya (Product Manager for AWR Warehouse) that's well worth watching youtube.com/watch?v=StydMi…

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Tweet by Pete Sharman

Pete Sharman (@SharmanPete)

7/16/14 6:54 PM

Delivering DBaaS using EM12c wp.me/p40a3L-4y

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Tweet by oaktable network

oaktable network (@oakies_blog)

7/16/14 7:00 PM

New post by pete.sharman - Delivering DBaaS using EM12c - tinyurl.com/pvaluxl

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Tweet by Rene Antunez

Rene Antunez (@grantunez)

7/16/14 7:46 PM

2nd platform will have an 0.5% CAGR, 3rd platform will have 10.6% CAGR between 2013-2020, so get on the bus ! #DBAAS tcs.com/SiteCollection…

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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Tweet by OraNA.info

OraNA.info (@orana)

7/16/14 9:32 PM

Get Your ZFS On dlvr.it/6LbrZx #oracle

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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tweet by Oracle University

Oracle University (@Oracle_Edu)

7/14/14 4:40 AM

Now Available On Demand: Oracle Database 12c: Backup and Recovery Workshop ora.cl/nwu

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Monday, July 14, 2014

Tweet by OracleBlogs

OracleBlogs (@OracleBlogs)

7/13/14 11:18 PM

Oracle Cloud: Oracle's Platform and Infrastructure Services, Amit Zavery ow.ly/2K6pb5

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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Tweet by Tanel Poder

Tanel Poder (@TanelPoder)

7/13/14 1:28 AM

Good stuff from past: Beyond Oracle Wait Interface - Part 2 bit.ly/ZYdidL

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