What you have learnt is equivalent to the amount of sand you can hold in your hand. What you haven't is everything outside - Tamil Proverb


Monday, April 30, 2012

Tweet by Marcin Przepiorowski

Just blogged how Oracle is detecting storage type to enable HCC on non-Exadata hosts - http://t.co/cCxLqfsl .

by Marcin Przepiorowski at 4/27/12 1:46 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/pioro/status/196669066147135489)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by OraNA.info

Google Drive: Installing the windows client (filesystem plugin) http://t.co/RquTxQIK

by OraNA.info at 4/29/12 3:09 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/orana/status/196677540729991168)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by OracleBlogs

Distributed transaction on Oracle Real Application Cluster database http://t.co/Tgy4YjMR

by OracleBlogs at 4/29/12 5:26 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/OracleBlogs/status/196712193981562881)

Sent from my iPhone

OracleBlogs Chinese

11g R2 RAC Expert http://t.co/2rF4EyM7

by OracleBlogs at 4/29/12 6:28 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/OracleBlogs/status/196727640688832514)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by Oracle Magazine

Oracle Magazine for iPhone http://t.co/M4Flkg0O

by Oracle Magazine at 4/29/12 6:22 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/oraclemagazine/status/196729733818486784)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by Yury

I heard this pres from @fuadar @ #C12LV. If U R serious about #RAC I recommend 2 check the slides published here http://t.co/kav6nsLH

by Yury at 4/29/12 8:05 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/yvelikanov/status/196752017237094400)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by Fuad Arshad

#ODA Patch 2.2.0. Now Available http://t.co/jmXFtLsG #rac #oracle

by Fuad Arshad at 4/29/12 8:11 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/fuadar/status/196753627006767104)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by Oracle Middleware

RT @oraclewebcenter: #DALLAS,TX May 3 FREE #AIIM #ContentManagement Boot Camp SIGN UP TODAY! #WebCenter http://t.co/hG1P7sem

by Oracle Middleware at 4/29/12 5:45 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/OracleMiddle/status/196769510953459712)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by Fuad Arshad

blog post MIgrating from Single Instance to RAC and Upgrading using Data guard: As Promised Embedded below is m... http://t.co/6BYWHocU

by Fuad Arshad at 4/29/12 9:27 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/fuadar/status/196772680345714688)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by Fuad Arshad

blog post ODA Patch 2.2.0. Now Available: The First Oracle Database Appliance Significant version patch is now a... http://t.co/Jy6HFAdY

by Fuad Arshad at 4/29/12 9:27 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/fuadar/status/196772681801146368)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by OraNA.info

MIgrating from Single Instance to RAC and Upgrading using Data guard http://t.co/yan9PDQf

by OraNA.info at 4/29/12 9:50 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/orana/status/196778520112934913)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by Leighton L. Nelson

Playing with Hybrid Columnar Compression on #VirtualBox with Oracle's Sun ZFS Storage 7000 Simulator. Watch this demo

by Leighton L. Nelson at 4/29/12 11:02 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/leight0nn/status/196796733529923584)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by CoskanDBA

http://t.co/o6UWjdGI how to read strace and sql trace output together by @fritshoogland

by CoskanDBA at 4/30/12 3:08 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/coskan/status/196858655134584832)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by Syed Jaffer Hussain

OS Watcher Black Box User Guide [ID 301137.1]

by Syed Jaffer Hussain at 4/30/12 3:41 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/sjaffarhussain/status/196866951610511361)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by Syed Jaffer Hussain

OSWatcher Black Box Analyzer (OSWbba) is a graphing & analysis utility which comes bundled with OSWbb v4.0.0 and higher. View 461053.1.

by Syed Jaffer Hussain at 4/30/12 3:47 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/sjaffarhussain/status/196868442471665664)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by Uwe Hesse

Do you use RACcheck? A must when you are responsible for #Oracle #RAC administration. See MOS 1268927.1 Download, User Guide & Viewlet

by Uwe Hesse at 4/30/12 3:43 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/UweHesse/status/196874600473313280)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by CoskanDBA

http://t.co/gGy0TBOI how does oracle optimize block transfer to reduce private network traffic on RAC by @riyajshamsudeen

by CoskanDBA at 4/30/12 3:14 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/coskan/status/196881751019237376)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by OracleBlogs

Upcoming Exadata Technical Live Virtual Bootcamps: May 16-19th http://t.co/UGj5koRJ

by OracleBlogs at 4/30/12 6:30 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/OracleBlogs/status/196909300151619584)

Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Tweet by oaktable network

New post by rshamsud - _gc_fusion_compression - http://t.co/PyDRVuZE

by oaktable network at 4/28/12 11:00 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/oakies_blog/status/196433756096176128)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by CoskanDBA

Hugepages are Not used by Database Buffer Cache [ID 829850.1]

by CoskanDBA at 4/29/12 7:01 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/coskan/status/196554873221812224)

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Tweet by Carlos Sierra

Free Webinar: Using SQLTXPLAIN to diagnose SQL statements performing poorly http://t.co/6xgxZUwm via @wordpressdotcom

by Carlos Sierra at 4/28/12 7:26 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/csierra_usa/status/196260266625871872)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by Dominic Delmolino

What Valve Looks for When it Hires http://t.co/9xNuOonx

by Dominic Delmolino at 4/28/12 7:17 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/ddelmoli/status/196285368969068546)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by OraNA.info

IOPS, capacity, bandwidth - and something new to explain to the people in purchasing http://t.co/AL8UdCxA

by OraNA.info at 4/28/12 6:35 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/orana/status/196367136376094723)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by Oracle Linux

@yvelikanov @pythianfielding Oracle VM Server for x86 may be used as hard partitioning technology:

by Oracle Linux at 4/28/12 8:42 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/ORCL_Linux/status/196399045877567488)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by oaktable network

New post by rshamsud - _gc_fusion_compression - http://t.co/PyDRVuZE

by oaktable network at 4/28/12 11:00 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/oakies_blog/status/196433756096176128)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by Gokhan Atil

New blog post of @pioro: HCC on non-Exadata - How Oracle is detecting storage type http://t.co/S90q3fp6

by Gokhan Atil at 4/27/12 4:39 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/gokhanatil/status/195975452840562689)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by Leighton L. Nelson

An extended version of my presentation at Collaborate 12 - Looking at RAC, GI/Clusterware Diagnostic Tools #C12LV #Ora…http://t.co/OBMBoLan

by Leighton L. Nelson at 4/27/12 1:23 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/leight0nn/status/195926047382978560)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by OracleBlogs

Solaris Volume Manager (SVM) on Solaris 11 http://t.co/8rrd5ccr

by OracleBlogs at 4/28/12 3:26 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/OracleBlogs/status/196138243983540225)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by Frits Hoogland

Reading http://t.co/D1YAyWHm about Linux 2.6 IO. Must read for performance analysts!

by Frits Hoogland at 4/28/12 5:04 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/fritshoogland/status/196162874492731394)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by OraNA.info

Free Webinar: Using SQLTXPLAIN to diagnose SQL statements performing poorly http://t.co/cl7ArqRS

by OraNA.info at 4/28/12 7:43 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/orana/status/196202857156972544)

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, April 27, 2012

Tweet by e-DBA

Have you seen our ODA video on youtube? take a look here http://t.co/NocNv48H @UKOUG @Oracle @Avnet_TS_UK @OracleFS #OracleDBappliance

by e-DBA at 4/26/12 7:34 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/e_DBA/status/195511553917849600)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by Cloud Slam®

#CloudSlam'12 Session: Gain Total Cloud Control - http://t.co/bjwYj7Xu, by Anand Akela, Sr Director @Oracle #em12c #CloudComputing @aakela

by Cloud Slam® at 4/26/12 3:49 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/CloudSlam/status/195602361236979712)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by Oracle ACE Program

Great article on Virtualization written by Justin Kestelyn (@oracletechnet ) in May/June issue of @oraclemagazine. http://t.co/Khi3Iep9

by Oracle ACE Program at 4/26/12 12:49 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/oracleace/status/195614175844761600)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by Oracle ACE Program

@oracleace program newsletter April edition now available online. http://t.co/ExzvNKNc http://t.co/6louptuw

by Oracle ACE Program at 4/26/12 2:24 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/oracleace/status/195614738330300417)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by Andy Colvin

Using GI with #Exadata and no BP12+ keeps CRS from starting. See MOS note 1429907.1 - don't run with

by Andy Colvin at 4/26/12 5:02 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/acolvin/status/195618778548150272)

Sent from my iPhone

By Sandesh Rao

Oracle RMAN straps on rocket, hands admins launch button http://t.co/QugGFfTs

by Sandesh Rao at 4/26/12 5:26 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/sandeshr/status/195624913460133888)

Sent from my iPhone

Scan by Yury

Just uploaded my #c12lv SCAN presentation http://t.co/X9VxXdMx slidesdesk http://t.co/8jm1MYyd Thanks to all 35 folks who came.

by Yury at 4/26/12 7:00 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/yvelikanov/status/195648532152197120)

Sent from my iPhone

Virtual ops center

Scott Elvington blogs about Building a Virtual Data Center w/ Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 12c http://t.co/IM9hbur2 #em12c

by OracleEnterpriseMgr at 4/26/12 7:03 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/oracle_em/status/195649271855452161)

Sent from my iPhone

by Sushil Kumar

Detailed insight into how to create x86 and SPARC based IaaS cloud using #em12c https://t.co/AbvULfO7 #in #cloud

by Sushil Kumar at 4/26/12 9:07 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/sxkumar/status/195723313182543875)

Sent from my iPhone

by Mercedes Biondi

Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Cloud Control - New Features Part One http://t.co/0t7kJ2S3

by Mercedes Biondi at 4/26/12 10:42 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/gleanmercebion/status/195724467379519489)

Sent from my iPhone

By Anand Prakash

SGA Re-Sizes Occurring Despite AMM/ASMM Being Disabled – Oracle 11.2 -- http://t.co/rlL9E2QZ

by Anand Prakash at 4/27/12 4:11 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/anandprakash86/status/195787119644516352)

Sent from my iPhone

By CoskanDBA

Exadata smartscan is not being used on insert as select [id 1348116.1] after cell release

by CoskanDBA at 4/27/12 6:22 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/coskan/status/195820173113049089)

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Pres by Yury

Published my slides for "10 Problems with your RMAN backup script" session http://t.co/eXmpQODF. Conf details - http://t.co/o7IvJVT8

by Yury at 4/25/12 8:52 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/yvelikanov/status/195321675334696962)

Sent from my iPhone

Pres by Arup Nanda

My session Beginning Performance Tuning at #C12LV download slides: http://t.co/FgsFxlEG and scripts: http://t.co/OY2ZPFJG

by Arup Nanda at 4/25/12 9:19 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/arupnanda/status/195321859305246720)

Sent from my iPhone

Virtual box tip

Hostname OEL http://t.co/Y49JK0j9

by OracleBlogs at 4/26/12 4:29 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/OracleBlogs/status/195429430691241984)

Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


@leight0nn Just remembered our discussion about # of luns. Have a look at this: http://t.co/LFTH004e #lotsOfLUNs

by Martin Bach at 4/24/12 12:11 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/MartinDBA/status/194820927740051458)

Sent from my iPhone

Million dollar q

An excellent blog post by Julian Dontcheff: On DBA innovation: who is afraid to fail will keep falling forever http://t.co/Y9bNAcDk #em12c

by Gokhan Atil at 4/24/12 1:42 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/gokhanatil/status/194843758280454144)

Sent from my iPhone


Paul Tsien: ODA 2.3 comes out in July with support for multiple ORACLE_HOMEs #c12lv

by Marc Fielding at 4/24/12 2:31 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/pythianfielding/status/194856396796329984)

Sent from my iPhone


@fuadar you can do ODA 2.2 with an existing database; you just can't run both and before ODA 2.3 comes out

by Marc Fielding at 4/24/12 3:29 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/pythianfielding/status/194870729580363776)

Sent from my iPhone

Demo on 12c !

#Oracle EM 12c Demo Series — Explore Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 12c: http://t.co/lskd63Vv @oracle_em

by Michelle Agul at 4/24/12 6:17 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/michelleAgul/status/194924674218606593)

Sent from my iPhone

Need to explore the Exadata VM from Oracle

Exadata presentation http://t.co/Adt5U42P

by OraNA.info at 4/24/12 8:30 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/orana/status/194946350276804608)

Sent from my iPhone

The next leap

Oracle Solaris 11 Upgrade to Oracle Solaris 11 System Administrator http://t.co/65icZQpM

by OracleBlogs at 4/24/12 11:27 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/OracleBlogs/status/194990937242468352)

Sent from my iPhone

Truth be told

Stress Is Not Your Enemy http://t.co/ZXaWeoK0

by Harvard Biz Review at 4/25/12 12:00 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/HarvardBiz/status/194999387368337410)

Sent from my iPhone

11g OEM Tip

Removing targets from Grid Control – Oracle 11g http://t.co/wybfER70

by OraNA.info at 4/25/12 3:17 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/orana/status/195048934811516928)

Sent from my iPhone

12c webinar - hope replay is there

Pankaj Chandiramani: Webcast :Unleash the Power of Oracle Enterprise Manager to Build Private Clouds: There is a... http://t.co/ayfrAsPh

by Oracle FAQ at 4/25/12 3:32 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/orafaq/status/195052582543179777)

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


http://t.co/DZ9PTRAS huge pages and side effects of not having them configured by @pioro

by CoskanDBA at 4/23/12 4:35 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/coskan/status/194343825907523586)

Sent from my iPhone

By Gokhan Atil

New blog post of Bobby Durrett: Resource Manager wait events http://t.co/P5icxruG #oracle

by Gokhan Atil at 4/23/12 5:19 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/gokhanatil/status/194354905870376960)

Sent from my iPhone

By Owen Hughes and team

Wanna play with an #Oracle #SPARC #SuperCluster? Check out the live, interactive 3D demo: http://t.co/qiHIv8CO

by Owen Hughes and team at 4/23/12 5:57 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/ora_eng_systems/status/194364376688508928)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by Syed Jaffer Hussain

#AIOUG Sangam12 Call for papers is now open http://t.co/bH8iwtBU -> Events -> Sangam12 - Call for Papers

by Syed Jaffer Hussain at 4/23/12 12:46 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/sjaffarhussain/status/194467377621123073)

Sent from my iPhone


ODA patch 2.2.0 is now available upgrade to Uek and included https://t.co/vdVT7Jqt

by Fuad Arshad at 4/23/12 2:39 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/fuadar/status/194497840934952961)

Sent from my iPhone

By Karl Arao - Exadata data sheets

#Exadata Data Sheets (v1,v2,x2-2,x2-8) http://t.co/w33cSUOe

by Karl Arao at 4/23/12 3:09 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/karlarao/status/194503172881002496)

Sent from my iPhone


What Does Your Oracle Database Appliance Look Like? http://t.co/nHVemTaO

by OracleBlogs at 4/23/12 4:31 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/OracleBlogs/status/194523975571873792)

Sent from my iPhone

Tweet by Yury

#C12RAC SIG @kutrovsky ASMLib & direct accessed devices have have the same headers. You can flip disks in between #idontkonwit #goodlearing

by Yury at 4/23/12 4:31 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/yvelikanov/status/194524003992485888)

Sent from my iPhone

by Angie Barba

http://t.co/yb34HscQ Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Cloud Control - New Features Part One - Database Journal

by Angie Barba at 4/23/12 10:26 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/DedicatedSeEbri/status/194645441470660608)

Sent from my iPhone

Lucid Linux Load Avg

New blog post of Harald van Breederode: Understanding Linux Load Average – Part 1 http://t.co/Z2annHt3

by Gokhan Atil at 4/24/12 2:18 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/gokhanatil/status/194671693229326336)

Sent from my iPhone

Good overview of the MACHINES

Re-uploaded pres slides for my Rise of the Machine session at #C12LV. Sorry; the old version had errors on the page. http://t.co/fsXopwv9

by Arup Nanda at 4/24/12 2:34 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/arupnanda/status/194675650756485121)

Sent from my iPhone

Good Greek - for future ref

@kevinclosson thank you for http://t.co/HNp4URHL - it saved me several hours of investigation

by Martin Berger at 4/24/12 3:33 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/martinberx/status/194690614183464960)

Sent from my iPhone


ORA-15027: active use of diskgroup "DATA" precludes its dismount http://t.co/JUSB5OJR

by Anand Prakash at 4/24/12 3:41 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/anandprakash86/status/194692506095587330)

Sent from my iPhone

Arup Nanda article

#SELECT Journal of #IOUG has made my article that won the Editor's Choice award freely available http://t.co/us1KYxME

by Arup Nanda at 4/24/12 3:11 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/arupnanda/status/194698817826861056)

Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, April 22, 2012

by Tanel Poder

Just wrote a short blog entry: Where is LOB data stored http://t.co/fFu5VWRZ

by Tanel Poder at 4/22/12 11:30 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/TanelPoder/status/194085695130845184)

Sent from my iPhone


c.hooper blog - Temporary Tablespace Storage Parameters – What is Wrong with this Quote http://t.co/Fd0tW8oL

by Jos van den Oord at 4/22/12 11:57 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/joord01/status/194092577681702912)

Sent from my iPhone

Alex G slides- good discussion on ASM FGs


(Source: http://twitter.com/alexgorbachev/status/194212226561880064)

Sent from my iPhone

Cool PDF from Arup...well deserved

Congratulations to @arupnanda, winner of the award for the best #IOUG article "Cache Fusion Demystified" http://t.co/RR4srMar #c12lv

by Marc Fielding at 4/22/12 11:30 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/pythianfielding/status/194267077169782784)

Sent from my iPhone

RAC Internal by the master

gc buffer busy acquire vs release http://t.co/Z0a9PKWJ by @riyajshamsudeen

by Anand Prakash at 4/20/12 3:00 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/anandprakash86/status/193232585021865984)

Sent from my iPhone

James Morle on ASM device naming

New Blog post:
Udev Rules OK: How to manage ASM device naming in RHEL/OL6


by James Morle at 4/20/12 8:02 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/JamesMorle/status/193308699484360705)

Sent from my iPhone

Marcin Przepiorowski on Hugepages

I have updated my post about HugePages - http://t.co/JZNsqa7c - @yvelikanov thanks for morning conversation

by Marcin Przepiorowski at 4/20/12 1:56 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/pioro/status/193397736308092929)

Sent from my iPhone

Cool editing tips

I sed awk! http://t.co/QekFCepC

by OraNA.info at 4/20/12 3:44 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/orana/status/193424960079921154)

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Syed Jaffer Hussain's recording of single instance to RAC

My webinar about 'Migrating Oracle single instance to RAC', recorded... http://t.co/rqB2JSQM

by Syed Jaffer Hussain at 4/21/12 7:14 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/sjaffarhussain/status/193658984706736129)

Sent from my iPhone

Jos van den Oord on OLR

Joords Oracle DBA blog: 11gR2 Clusterware :Oracle Local Registry (OLR): http://t.co/t2JA6fT0. What to do as OLR corrupt is.

by Jos van den Oord at 4/21/12 9:41 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/joord01/status/193695938555019264)

Sent from my iPhone

Lucid explanation of RAC Server Pools

An Introduction to 11.2 RAC Server Pools - by @amansharma81 http://t.co/bVTwmPYR

by Anand Prakash at 4/19/12 2:50 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/anandprakash86/status/193713052657516544)

Sent from my iPhone

Chargeback in 12c

New Whitepaper : Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c - Most Comprehensive Metering & Chargeback capabilities for Cloud http://t.co/vKvSwBPr #em12c

by OracleEnterpriseMgr at 4/11/12 11:00 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/oracle_em/status/190091926450618368)

Sent from my iPhone

As always, typical Arup- Flashback technology

OraNA.info (@orana)
4/21/12 5:12 PM
Data migration testing - Oracle Flashback Database makes life easier dlvr.it/1Sps71

Sent from my iPhone

@tagoreghanta, 4/5/12 1:23 AM

RAMA TAGORE (@tagoreghanta)
4/5/12 1:23 AM
TRUE>> Speed:Source of stimulation & fleeting pleasure. Slowing down: route 2 depth, enduring satisfaction & 2 excelnc s.hbr.org/HWakhN

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, April 13, 2012

Sqlplus settings

Just noticed Randolf Geist also uses (at least) login.sql script from TPT by @TanelPoder It's awesome, BTW: http://t.co/3WlgQQMN

by Timur Akhmadeev at 4/11/12 11:53 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/timurakhmadeev/status/190105386878115841)

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Oracle internals by Tanel

RT @TanelPoder Another Oracle internals hacking session with me - tomorrow! :) Register here -> http://t.co/wYNlh4nI

by Marcin Przepiorowski at 4/11/12 4:43 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/pioro/status/190178285731332098)

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Exadata - post ACS

How the SPARC T4 Processor Optimizes Throughput Capacity: A Case Study

Need to try & get the brain around this someday:


Configuring DG Broker using OEM 12c for an "existing" Data Guard setup

Extending half rack Exadata to a full rack

Optimizer Statistics Whitepaper

Optimizer Statistics Whitepaper http://t.co/dtN8bcW6
by OraNA.info at 4/9/12 4:09 PM
(Source: http://twitter.com/orana/status/189444839199350784)

Sent from my iPhone

Cell version - Db minimal pack patching gone

Updating Exadata Compute Nodes using ULN and YUM starting http://t.co/KbJKcYAB #exadata #exalogic
by Oracle Exadata at 4/9/12 3:09 PM
(Source: http://twitter.com/oracleexadata/status/189528204984324098)

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, April 9, 2012

Couple of AWESOME metalink notes on RAC & SCAN

Handy logfile locations, comprehensive command reference (srvctl, crsctl, ocrconfig, olsnodes, cluvfy) and superb diagrams on the RAC startup sequence:

11gR2 Clusterware and Grid Home - What You Need to Know [ID 1053147.1]

SCAN concepts and demo:
11gR2 Grid Infrastructure Single Client Access Name (SCAN) Explained [ID 887522.1]

The demo link inside the SCAN metalink note doesn't work...here's the working link:

Sunday, April 8, 2012

RAC ppt

My #OracleRAC presentation SlideShare Presentation on LinkedIn : Oracle RAC - Standard Edition, Enterprise Edition
by Leighton L. Nelson at 4/7/12 8:23 PM
(Source: http://twitter.com/leight0nn/status/188784048968179712)

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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Duplicate Db

http://t.co/xF3FYjlU what happens to Read - Only tablespaces when you duplicate database, by @martinDBA

by CoskanDBA at 4/7/12 5:29 AM

(Source: http://twitter.com/coskan/status/188559017545711616)

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Friday, April 6, 2012

Ops center

Steve Wilson (@virtualsteve)
4/6/12 3:42 PM
Just posted my blog entry about launching Ops Center 12c in Tokyo. What a great trip! blogs.oracle.com/stevewilson/en…

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ODA Advanced

Fuad Arshad (@fuadar)
4/6/12 5:22 PM
Easy Made Easier - Networking blogs.oracle.com/dragonfly/entr…

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Linux internals

Words of wisdom: Just because your Oracle database is all O_DIRECT, everything else is page cache. Learn: http://t.co/93ilVfbW

by Kevin Closson at 4/5/12 7:08 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/kevinclosson/status/188040394771136512)

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VM on VB

Setting up port forwarding for 7000 appliance VM in VirtualBox http://t.co/VVr2W8pr

by OraNA.info at 4/5/12 10:39 PM

(Source: http://twitter.com/orana/status/188093627724087297)

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Thursday, April 5, 2012

DG across Windows and Linux

Dan Norris (@dannorris)
4/4/12 8:54 PM
@oraclenerd Also see 881421.1 for a recipe (win/linux DG setup) cc @jdanton

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Sunday, April 1, 2012

iPhone camera apps

Sadanand Dhume (@dhume01)
4/1/12 5:48 PM
WSJ: Is the iPhone the only camera you need? [Yes.] online.wsj.com/article/SB1000…

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Terrific roundup of ASM in Exadata

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